
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mt.Churen Himal Expedition

Ranging in the mount Dhaulagiri among the 7th series of the highest mountains Mt. Churen is one of them situated. The three pinnacles are called Churen west of 7371m, central of 7375m, and north in central which is recommended to be the major one. The route doest\not differ at to get here as there are usual buses from Katmandu to Pokhara, Baglung and Beni. Taking porters from Beni we reach the same camp in 5 days via Gurung and other mixed tribal villages on the way. 

When reaching Burjung Kharka after a steep walk following the way of Darsing Kharka to establish the tents for spending the night over. We reach the base camp after following 4 hours walk of the river side of Kape Khola. Basing the base camp at 4800m high, climbing to the Churen himal high camps are easy to visible Mt. Dhaulagiri situated in the east whereas the Purna Himal is in the west. The south west ridge is the best route to climb the mountain with favorable season during September to October and later in spring March to May.

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Churen Himal Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Beni

Day 05 : Trek Beni to Darbang

Day 06 : Trek Darbang to Mattim

Day 07 : Trek Mattim to Lamsang

Day 08 : Trek Lamsang to Gurgoan

Day 09 : Trek Gurjagoan to Darsinge Khark

Day 10 : Trek Darsinge Khark to Burjunga Khark

Day 11 : Trek Burjunga Khark to Churen Himal Base Camp

Day 12-29 : Climbing Period Churen Himal (7371m)

Day 30 : Trek Churen Himal BC to Burjunga Khark

Day 31 : Trek Burjunga Khark to Gurjagoan

Day 32 : Trek Gurjagoan to Lulang village

Day 33 : Trek Lulang to Takum

Day 34 : Trek Takum to Darbang

Day 35 : Trek Darbang to Beni

Day 36 : Drive from Beni to Kathmandu

Day 37 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 38 : Departure to your next destination

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