
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mt. Cho-Oyu Expedition 8201M.

International Cho Oyu Expedition | Confirmed Cho Oyu Expedition in Tibet

For anyone who has ever dreamed of climbing one of the world's highest 8000er mountains, Cho Oyu offers relatively easy access. Despite being the 6th highest mountain on the planet, Cho Oyu has the highest success rate among the world's fourteen 8,000 meters Himalayan peaks. The ascent to the summit is short and direct with a few small technical sections which can be climbed safely using fixed lines. The normal route may not be called a technically difficult climb. The access becomes easier also because of the fact that the mountain can be reached by four-wheel-drive vehicle and one can walk to the Camp 1 in hiking boots. 

However, climbing Cho Oyu is still a demanding undertaking, the mountain being one of the highest on earth. Cho Oyu lies about 20km west of Mt. Everest on the Nepal-Tibet border. The mountain is also known as Mt. Qowowuyag and is situated in the middle section of the Himalayas. An Austrian team first climbed Cho Oyu in 1954 followed by the Indian and German teams in 1958 and 1964 respectively. Cho Oyu consists mainly of five ridges - Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and West with the Jabula Glacier on the north, Lanba Glacier on the south, and Gecongba Glacier.Asian Expedition Pvt.Ltd is genuinely offers Cho Oyu expedition in Tibet every year in Spring and Autumn season.

Itinerary for Mount. Cho Oyu Tibet Expedition
MAXIMUM:       42 Days
ENTRY: Zhangmu
EXIT:    Zhangmu
The Expedition cost is $17500 Per Person.
Day 01: Arrival Kathmandu (1350m.) transfer hotel

Day 02: Prepare Tibet visa & expedition

Day 03: Kathmandu

Day 04: Drive to Kodari & transfer Zhangmu 2300m – hotel

Day 05: Drive Nylam 2750m.- hotel

Day 06: Nylam rest for acclimatization – hotel

Day 07: Drive Tingri 4340m.- hotel

Day 08: Rest of day for acclimatized – hotel

Day 09: Drive to Chinese Base Camp 5,000m.- camping

Day 10: Chinese Base Camp – camping

Day 11: Prepared load to Yak for ABC – camping

Day 12: Base Camp - Middle camp with Yaks – camping

Day 13: Middle Camp - Advance Base Camp – camping

Day 14-40: Climbing Period of Cho Oyu

Day 41: Advance Base camp – BC – camping

Day 42: Base Camp - Drive to Tingri & Zhangmu – hotel

Day 43: Drive Zhangmu – Kathmandu – hotel

Day 44: Kathmandu – hotel

Day 45: Final Departure

If Extra Service Required
Russian oxygen 4 litters: USD 350
Mask & Regular: USD 600
Satellite phone: USD 1500 per set (Personal use from climber)
Film Permit: USD 20,000 (Small Portable movie camera is free)
Duty Jeep for whole time: USD 4000
Rescue Jeep: USD 700 per Jeep
For your kind information
Mt. Cho Oyu permit fee USD 5200 per member
Per any ABC staff permit fee USD 3000
Climbing Sherpa Permit Fee USD 3000
Except climbing guide, all includes

Cost: Group joining basis (ABC Service)
Our basic Package cost Per Person USD 10000.00
Climbing Sherpa, Per Sherpa USD 5500.00 (If required)
Please note that this cost does not include the climbing Sherpa’s food & fuel, tents, climbing and summit bonus above advance base camp.

The price for your selected peak climbing/mountaineering expedition will vary depending on group size, trip category (full board/base camp service), your budget, individualized itinerary, accommodation (budget to 5 star), level of service above the base camp, the number of climbing guides and porters, kitchen crew, mode of transport you prefer and many other factors. The price range for the same trip can vary widely so if you would like to discuss your requirements with us we will provide you a very competitive price
Please e-mail us for up-to-date prices for Trip

Full Board Service Cost Include
All arrival and departure transfer services to and from Airport both Domestic and International with other necessary surface transport as per itinerary.
Assistance at the International airport by Snowy Horizon’s representative while arriving and departing.
Chinese Government Royalty (U$5200);
Six nights Hotel accommodations in Kathmandu on B/B basis;
All camping equipment in Base camp and Advance Base Camp;
Full Board hotel en route in Tibet: Zhangmu, Naylam, Tingri (B/L/D);
Food during expedition period for expedition Members and Staff;
Tibet Visa and Travel Permit for expedition crew;
Expedition Permit to climb Cho Oyu along Northwest ridge route;
All staff during Expedition period with experienced Guide (Base Camp Manager)
Surface transportation will be available as per itinerary;
Cargo clearance & Duties Assistance Service free;
Daily wages, equipment allowance & Insurance for expedition Staff;
Gamow Bag will be available for expedition group;
Solar panel for light and batteries charger will be available for expedition members;
Each expedition member will have an individual tent available in the ABC.
2 Oxygen Bottles with mask and regulators (if requested by client)
We provide Sherpa's tents, food for climbing, and insurance.
Ice falls charges • All tent for camp 1, 2, 3 •
High altitude food for sherpa and member
All Necassary camping equipments like camp furniture, kitchenware, dining tents, guest tents, etc.
Per person 50kg baggage allowance during trekking-up carrying by porter or Yak and 40kg baggage allowance while returning from Base Camp after climbing the Mountain.
Required Experienced, Trained andGovernment Licensed Climbing Guide(s) during Climbing Period Per peron
All wages, equipments, medical and accidental Insurances for all involved staffs.
First Aid medical kits for the Group and the staffs.
Satellite phone carrying by Guide for communication and available for members with the cost of US$ 4 per minute call.
Appropriate food for high altitude and all climbing crew at base camp and above as required.
Emergency Oxygen and mask regulator.
All necessary paper works, office Service charge and Government Taxes levied in Nepal
Complete pre-departure information, flight ticket reconfirmation and visa extension procedure services (if necessary)
Farewell Dinner in a typical Nepali restaurant with domestic culture show in Kathmandu before departure.
Snowy Horizon Special Gifts (T-shirt/Pashmina etc.)
Our service Charges

Full Board Service Cost Exclude
Lunch and Dinner during your stay in Kathmandu (except farewell dinner)
Any packed food/snacks, aerated drinks, energy drinks, mineral water, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolates, nutria-bars
Items of personal nature, Laundry Expenses, Tips
Expenses incurred towards usage of landlines, mobiles, walkie-talkies or satellite phones And Internet expenses
Clothing, Packing Items or Bags, Personal Medical Kit, Personal Trekking Gears
Any extra services or products or offers or activities which are not mentioned in the itinerary
Any extra expenses arising out of various/unforeseen situations like natural calamities, landslides, political disturbances, strikes, changes in Government regulations,
Any additional staff other than specified.
Rescue, Repatriation, Medicines, Medical Tests and Hospitalization expenses.
Medical Insurance and emergency rescue evacuation if required.
Travel Insurance and helicopter rescue.
Airfare of international flights.
Nepal entry visa fee (Visa issuance is easy at the arrival) and re entry visa fee
Ice fall Garbage Deposit fees (Sharing with other member) if applicable.
Wake talkies & Filming permit.
Personal climbing gears;
Nepal custom duty for import of expedition goods;
Emergency/Rescue Jeep cost US$700;
Summit bonus for climbing Sherpa Guides (When you summated you have to pay) as per Mountaineering Association rules.
Tips, gifts, souvenirs.
Any other item not included in “THE PACKAGE COST INCLUDES” SECTION

Base Camp Service Cost Include
All arrival and departure transfer services to and from Airport both Domestic and International with other necessary surface transport as per itinerary.
Assistance at the International airport by Snowy Horizon’s representative while arriving and departing.
Chinese Government Royalty (U$5200);
Six nights Hotel accommodations in Kathmandu on B/B basis;
All camping equipment in Base camp and Advance Base Camp;
Full Board hotel en route in Tibet: Zhangmu, Naylam, Tingri (B/L/D);
Food during expedition period for expedition Members and Staff in Chinese Base camp and advance Base camp;
Tibet Visa and Travel Permit for expedition crew;
Expedition Permit to climb Cho Oyu along Northwest ridge route;
All staff during Expedition period withexperienced Guide (Base Camp Manager)
Surface transportation will be available as per itinerary;
Cargo clearance & Duties Assistance Service free;
Daily wages, equipment allowance & Insurance for expedition Staff;
Gamow Bag will be available for expedition group;
Solar panel for light and batteries charger will be available for expedition members;
Each expedition member will have an individual tent available in the ABC.
All Necessary camping equipment's like camp furniture, kitchenware, dining tents, guest tents, etc.
Per person 40kg baggage allowance during trekking-up carrying by porter or Yak and 30kg baggage allowance while returning from Base Camp after climbing the Mountain.
All wages, equipment, medical and accidental Insurances for all involved staffs.
First Aid medical kits for the Group and the staffs.
Satellite phone carrying by Guide for communication and available for members with the cost of US$ 4 per minute call.
Appropriate food for climbing crew at base camp and Chinese Base Camp.
All necessary paper works, office Service charge and Government Taxes levied in Nepal
Complete pre-departure information, flight ticket reconfirmation and visa extension procedure services (if necessary)
Farewell Dinner in a typical Nepali restaurant with domestic culture show in Kathmandu before departure.
Everest Expeditions Nepal Special Gifts (T-shirt/Pashmina etc.)
Our service Charges

Base Camp Service Cost Exclude
Lunch and Dinner during your stay in Kathmandu (except farewell dinner)
Any packed food/snacks, aerated drinks, energy drinks, mineral water, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolates, nutria-bars
Items of personal nature, Laundry Expenses, Tips
Expenses incurred towards usage of landlines, mobiles, walkie-talkies or satellite phones And Internet expenses
Clothing, Packing Items or Bags, Personal Medical Kit, Personal Trekking Gears
Any extra services or products or offers or activities which are not mentioned in the itinerary
Any extra expenses arising out of various/unforeseen situations like natural calamities, landslides, political disturbances, strikes, changes in Government regulations,
Any additional staff other than specified.
Rescue, Repatriation, Medicines, Medical Tests and Hospitalization expenses.
Medical Insurance and emergency rescue evacuation if required.
Travel Insurance and helicopter rescue.
Airfare of international flights.
Nepal entry visa fee (Visa issuance is easy at the arrival) and re entry visa fee
Ice fall Garbage Deposit fees (Sharing with other member) if applicable.
Wake talkies & Filming permit.
Ice falls charges • All tent for camp 1, 2, 3
Personal climbing gears;
Climbing Guide(s)
Emergency Oxygen and mask regulator.
Everest Expeditions Nepal Service will be "Zero" above Advance Base Camp
High altitude food for Sherpa and member
Nepal custom duty for import of expedition goods;
Emergency/Rescue Jeep cost US$700;
Tips, gifts, souvenirs.
Any other item not included in “THE PACKAGE COST INCLUDES” SECTION
Everest Expeditions Nepal offers personal equipment rentals for clients, who have limited cargo allowance with their airfare or do not wish to purchase expensive expedition grade gear but rent it instead. 
Clients purchasing Base Camp Services only may choose to hire or purchase high camp equipment.
Please let us know in advance prior to your arrival so that we can meet your needs on your arrival stress free.

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