
Reviews / Testmonials

Review of: Visit Nepal 2020
We have just got back from EBC expedition with Sherpa Expedition and trekking team. The expedition was excellent, well-organized and unforgettable. We got to sleep in the EBC and been to top its really great feeling and it was a great experience.
Thank Sherpa team for everything and we hope to go back Nepal soon.

dedicated and best giving team.they wil provide you their full and yet no faults. good job really.
would recommend

I had trek and climb Island peak in 2015 with Everest Expeditions Nepal. I found a very dedicated and professional team and excellent services. We all had success the island peak expeditions. We recommend to all friends to use this agency.

Pk peak 不是熱門路線,確相當值得的美景,喜瑪拉雅山脈陪整路。加上Nima 熱情推薦安排village 的參訪,山上村落小學的拜訪,全程優值的服務,使得這趟的健行,充滿溫馨、活力與創意。
Date of experience: November 2018

Muy bello todo lo que vimos ,el trato inmejorable ,Bellas montañas ,paisajes ,los lagos y en la ciudad todo estupendo ,la comida muy buena ,para las compras en los mercadillos y tiendas existe el regateo ,una gran experiencia los Templos y demás no hay palabras ,.Amo Nepal

This was my seven times trip with Everest Expeditions Nepal and as before I was 100% satisfied from start to finish. Working our way from Lukla up the valley towards Everest was an adventure in itself but seeing Everest and the Khumbu glacier is something I will always remember. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is fit and has an interest in the Everest region of the Himalayas. I will be booking my next trip to Nepal very soon.
P. Pattison Perth, Australia

This fabulous trip more then met our expectations and we recommend it unreservedly.
F. Stiff Wahroonga, NSW, Australia

Everest Expeditions Nepal exceeded every single one of my expectations! The staff were faultless, the food was amazing and the level of care we received blew me away. The team was prepared for just about anything! 

I can't wait to have my next adventure with Everest Expeditions Nepal

J. Trayner Carnegie, VIC, Australia

The trek to Everest Base Camp and Kala Pattar is a wonderful experience. The scenery, people and the organisation of the trek are all superb. The camps and the food are great and the trek is challenging but achievable with reasonable fitness. The Everest Expeditions Nepal crew were very professional and great company, and always concerned about our enjoyment and welfare.
P. Berents Manly, NSW

I would highly recommend the Everest Base Camp trek and the Everest Expeditions Nepal team who could not have done more to look after us. The standard of the food and the permanent campsites surpassed my expectations. This was my first trekking trip overseas and I travelled alone, but my travel companions soon made me feel very at home. Our leader Prasant was superb, it is a big responsibility taking a group of people above 5,000 metres but we were very well looked after and he quietly monitored all of us. When a member of the team became ill he needed to make a tough decision but he did it with compassion and made the right call. The scenery is fantastic but at times testing as you get above 4,000 meters but that is where the challenge comes in. This was an amazing experience and one I will treasure for the rest of my life. I look forward to my next adventure and will certainly book with Friendship World Treksagain. 

Congratulations on a very professional company with a great team, work ethic and being a company that cares.

S. Pinto. Birmingham, UK

One of the best trips I've done! It ticks all the boxes if you're looking for a physical adventure with a few challenges and beautiful 360-degree landscapes. There is great history behind the country and adventurers, and the local people make you feel welcome.
D. Forrester Dover Heights, NSW Australia

My son and I had a wonderful trip. Everest Expeditions Nepal did it again! I was able to charge my camera; 5504 pictures! My son carried his classical guitar with all the way to Everest base camp and entertained everyone along the way.
Alex Auckland, New Zealand

Everest Expeditions Nepal have clearly been doing this for some time - they have all the little things and details worked out. Trekking in the Himalayas was something I had always wanted to do and it lived up to expectation - fantastic trip, great memories and new friends - many thanks to all involved.
S. Sinclair UK

I would highly recommend the Everest Base Camp trek and the Everest Expeditions Nepal team who could not have done more to look after us. The standard of the food and the permanent campsites were great. Most memorable was the great scenery, camaraderie, and wonderful Everest Expeditions Nepal support team.
P. Patterson Bayview, NSW

It was AMAZING! We had a wonderful time trekking through such beautiful and diverse scenery and it was surprising how 2 weeks of walking really does fly by. Our tour leader Prasant was exceptional especially when 1 person on our tour had to be evacuated due to suffering from cerebral edema. All of our sherpa's porters and sirdar did a stellar job and we couldn't have done it without them. A special mention goes to DB who kept us well fed and was always ready with "washy washy" for us. Everybody on our tour commented on how great Everest Expeditions Nepal was. As a travel agent I would highly recommend your company to anybody wanting an adventure holiday where you are well taken care of. A huge thank you to Renee for being awesome and booking everything for me.
K. Sykes Midland, WA, Australia

I would like to take a moment and type a few lines to properly thank you for everything that you and your team have done over the last 3 weeks. As we descended from EBC and the air became richer, our thoughts as a group began to focus on the enormity of the task to get a large body of tourists from Kathmandu up to Base Camp and back. We were incredibly appreciative of the support that not only yourself, Loki and Govinde provided, but also that of the kitchen staff and porters, without whom we simply would not have been able to achieve our dream. On arrival at Kathmandu we were grateful to be greeted by you and again thankful to be given the opportunity to visit the local area and see the incredible vista of sights, from the Holy River and Hindu funerals ,to the Stupa and the surrounding area. As I said to you on the trail it is something that I will never forget and also something that I would like my own children to see in the years ahead. It was a fascinating start to the trip and a huge contrast to the days ahead from Lukla. 

From arrival at Lukla on Day 2 to arrival again 2 weeks later it was both a pleasure and very humbling to watch the efficiency, hard work and sheer kindness of all staff members who did all that they could to make us comfortable at all times. 

The food was fantastic and varied and obviously essential to keeping us moving, the washing water at each stage was again hugely appreciated. Keeping a group of tourists healthy and well fed is not an easy task, especially as we progressed higher, but your team managed it with seemingly effortless enthusiasm, always cheerful and helpful despite, I am sure, their own hardships and sacrifices. Please pass on our thanks to all of the kitchen staff again. 

Karma, as the man in front, was very aware of the correct pace with which to move our group and knew exactly when we were tired and in need of a rest. We were all incredibly humbled by the fact that when we stopped for lunch or tea, and indeed first thing every morning with tea, it was Govinde who we saw, always cheerful. He put in a huge effort every day, from before we woke up, through every meal, to providing hot water, I am sure to long after we went to bed! Again we are all very grateful to him, and wish him many happy years as a Sherpa guide and beyond. He is a credit to Everest Expeditions Nepal and we would like the company to be aware of our gratitude. 

      Walker Saintfield, UK

An outstanding trek. Our guide and team - Sherpa, Sidar, cooks and porters were outstanding friendly people. Everest Expeditions Nepal provides an excellent package for this trip. If your thinking about it, book it, you won't be disappointed!
M. Saul Dromara, UK

Thank you to Padam and his team on the EBC and KP trek for being such amazing hosts and making our trip so memorable. The views are spectacular and the trekking provides a real physical test for those looking for such a challenge. Opportunities to interact with like-minded people from all over the world was also a personal highlight. The trip duration and itinerary is perfect in my opinion. I look forward to my next adventure with World Expeditions!
Kribin Naidu. Qatar

Bikash and his crew lead us on the Everest Base Camp & Kala Pattar over 21 Sep to 08 Oct 2015 and it was amazing. While the walking and views were outstanding, Bikash and the others made it a memorable experience by making sure every moment was interesting, exciting, and thoroughly enjoyable.
Otto Hermann Hong Kong

My brother in law and I recently returned from our trip to Nepal and just wanted to let you know that it was a wonderful adventure. I would appreciate if you could pass on our appreciation to our Guide (Sundar) our Sherpa (Amar) and our Sirdar (Pasang) and the rest of the team they were absolutely exceptional and took good care of the expedition members.
J. Gracia. UK

A most fantastic adventure that won't be easily forgotten in more ways than one (earthquake!!). We had glorious weather and spectacular views of Mt Everest that you just couldn't get enough of. Reaching Base Camp and being able to say 'I've done it' was a pinnacle moment. Food was excellent and plentiful, but be prepared for carbs and garlic overload!
Z. Revill London, UK

Absolutely fantastic, loved every minute of the trip. Physically, mentally and emotionally draining but well worth it. The scenery and mountain views were breathtaking. Would recommend some training beforehand. 

Everest Expeditions Nepal had everything covered - our guide Randeep his helpers Ram and Nohan, all the porters and cooks were amazing. The food was good, and plenty of it. Randeep was very knowledgeable about the local culture, landmarks and mountains. They saw to our every need. Already planning where to go next with World Expeditions.

Aidan Cartwright London, UK

Best trip ever! Everest Expeditions Nepal were fantastic. Everything was taken care of - all we had to do was walk. Our leader, Subal, looked after us and instantly knew if someone was not well. Best group of people I have ever travelled with. So many wonderful experiences. 
L. Dron Shellharbour, Australia

I could not be more impressed with this company. The guide, food and organisation in general was top class with absolutely everything thought of and taken care of. This trek has certainly made me a trekking fanatic, and I can see myself travelling again with them soon.
D. Edelman Melbourne, Australia

Our entire trip was extremely well organised from start to finish. The food was excellent and our trek leader and crew worked so hard to make our trip safe and enjoyable. The tents at the permanent campsites are quite spacious, and we had no trouble keeping warm during the freezing nights. All things considered, this really was a trip of a lifetime.
Wright Brisbane, Australia

Thank you for taking me to such an incredible place with the most amazing people. The whole experience deeply touched my heart, and I am forever grateful.
E. McNiven

Thank you Everest Expeditions Nepal for a great, well organised trip to Mt Everest Base Camp/Kala Pattar. The wonderful local guide and crew were so kind, helpful - nothing was too much for them. We feel most fortunate to have had Ramesh as our head guide - such a lovely man who was gentle and kind, but also had a ability to be firm when needed (this with a big smile on his face!). We left Nepal with lots of memories.
S. Pinker

This was the trip of a lifetime, made all the better because I trekked in winter - yes it was cold, and the trekking was hard, but seeing the mountains in winter was awesome, unbelievable, amazing. 
P. Hunt Brisbane, Australia

Visiting Everest Base Camp was the aim of the expedition, but in the end, it was travelling in this amazing country with such wonderful leaders and companions that I will remember forever.
J. Woods London

For me, the most a memorable part of the the trip is not easy to voice. From the arrival in Kathmandu I was introduced to a new world and an unfamiliar way of life - I was amazed by the kindhearted nature of all the locals I had the pleasure of meeting. Stepping onto base camp was an experience I will not soon forget. I had a huge feeling of achievement after reaching my destination, knowing that I had never set foot anywhere as high before.
Feetham USA

It was the most wonderful trip and experience. Nepal is such a special and amazing country and its people is truly its soul. I am pretty sure that our group leader, Sonam Lama sent a video of our group collecting rubbish on our trek. I hope this becomes a permanent activity on your treks. 

The world is a gift to us and as the most intelligent creatures on the planet (supposedly!) it should be our responsibility to to protect and look after it. I would also like to see a change in the treatment and available work to the porters and local staff by travellers. In our group we made a conscious effort to incorporate the boys into out evening card games, they taught us to cook the Nepalese food and learn some local language. We even cooked for the boys on the last night (with their help) and sat all the staff down and fed them and then we all ate together! It was such a highlight! It's a sacred land and the locals are so proud, passionate and committed to working and looking after each other and the foreigners. I had a feeling that a lot of travellers were not as respecting and grateful to these magnificent locals. For a lot of travellers it seemed more of a goal to trek to various places rather then a passion or privilege. I hope time can change this and bring the passion and respect beck to these magnificent destinations as the locals view upon it. 

Eliza McNiven NSW

Most memorable: seeing Mr Everest against blue skies and standing in 3 feet of snow. Be prepared for unexpected snow.
F. Burgerhout New Zealand 

Most memorable part of the trip: The scale and size of the landscape and mountains-amazing! I found the trip challenging, and am only now appreciating the adventure being back at work. It really was an outstanding trip and a thrill for me to finally be able to explore a region with which I have always been fascinated. The trip was well organised, the food was well prepared with as much variety as possible to keep us interested in eating at altitude, the camps comfortable and pleasant. Our Leader, Rinzin, was fantastic and it was really his enthusiasm and optimism that made the trip so enjoyable for us.
Penny MacLennan NY

From the arrival in Kathmandu I was introduced to a new world and an unfamiliar way of life - I was amazed by the kindhearted nature of all the locals I had the pleasure of meeting. Stepping onto base camp was an experience I will not soon forget. I had a huge feeling of achievement after reaching my destination, knowing that I had never set foot anywhere as high before.
Alex Feetham USA

I would like to thank you for a brilliant trip. I would particularly like to thank the leader, Rinzin. He deserves special praise for the way he looks after people safety, indulges them with local stories and knowledge and also made the trip extra special. As a company, you would do well to keep this man on the books as he is one of the best guides I've ever come across. He gives Everest Expeditions Nepal the successful name it carries and without doubt deserves every bit of praise I could give and a whole lot more. 
Robert Powell UK

I could not be more impressed with this company. The guide, food and organisation in general was top class with absolutely everything thought of and 

taken care of. This trek has certainly made me a trekking fanatic and i can see myself travelling again with them soon. 
Advice for other travellers: Train hard before as it was quite tough physically but still remained immensely enjoyable

D. Edelman VIC, UK

Our entire trip was extremely well organised from start to finish. The food was excellent and our trek leader and crew worked so hard to make our trip safe and enjoyable. The tents at the permanent campsites are quite spacious and we had no trouble keeping warm during the freezing nights. All things considered, this really was a trip of a lifetime.

Wright Brisbane, QLD

WOW - Age is no Barrier Doing Everest Base Camp in my late 50's and trekking should have told me Don't do this, but I did and because of the staff and there commitment to their clients I made it and I wasn't the last person to reach Base Camp. The Leader was amazing, the head Sherpa, words cannot describe how he looked after all of us. Would I do this trek again, in a heart beat, don't think about it just book it.
J. Thompson VIC, Australia

Best trip ever! Everest Expeditions Nepal were fantastic - everything was taken care of - all we had to do was walk. Our leader, Subal, looked after us and instantly knew if someone was not well. The best group of people I have ever travelled with. So many wonderful experiences. 

Most memorable part of your trip: The mountains, the friendship within the trekking group.

L. Dron Australia

We wanted to let you know that we had a fantastic trip to Mt Everest Base Camp with Everest Expeditions Nepal guides and crew. Both of us believe we were most fortunate to have Ramesh as our head guide as he showed amazing leadership qualities. He was gentle, kind but also able to be firm (with a big smile on his face) when needed. All up a great trip. Thanks also for you assistance leading up to the trek.
S. Pinker UK

Well planned and executed trip. All the staff were excellent and provided a very high level of service. The quality of accommodation at the campsites was great as was the Radisson in Kathmandu. Food on the trip was plentiful and of a high standard.
Ch'ng NT, Australia

We have recently returned from your Everest Base Camp Trek (27th of Oct - 13th of Nov 2016) and we want to let you know how pleased our group was with the care and attention we received. Everything was beyond our expectations and we truly did have the trip of a lifetime. Our Leader Roy and our Team (Nawang, Dawa, Krishna, Tandi, Bikrum, Kayala, Sheri and Rudra) were amazing. We were treated to great food and quality service along the way. We felt well supported, guided, encouraged and taken care of, without being overly pampered. The team were professional, efficient and extremely hard working, with the majority of the work being done behind the scenes without us even knowing. Please can you pass on our sincere thanks and appreciation to all involved.
Kate & Guy Scott United Kingdom

Hi Kyle just wanted to let you know that our trip was absolutely fantastic. Once again, the organisation, programme and planning done by your team was excellent. It is important to me that the travel company I choose is as environmentally and socially responsible as they can be. One little thing like the fact we didn't have to use any bottled water on the trip was great. 

We all had such a great time, and XXX and I, especially, enjoyed our 4th trip with Everest Expeditions Nepal Can’t wait for the next one...cycling from Vienna to Budapest I think. We have the greatest confidence that our next trip will be just as good!

S. Turner N.S.W

Roy was the best, very informative, fair, kind and considerate, calm and thoughtful.... he deserves a medal! Tents were great and I thought even better than the lodges.
J.Harman Sydney, NSW

Five Stars all the way with Everest Expeditions Nepal!! Excellent campsites - wake up in the most beautiful places in the world, surrounded by craggy, snow-covered mountain peaks, wild rivers and picturesque Nepali villages. Great food, cooked on site by EEN cooks and helpers, all trained in hygienic food preparation and service. I had fresh and cooked vegies every day! Plus lots of brekkie options, and delicious soups and meat dishes at night. Group leader Roy spoke excellent English, was very experienced and professional, and could answer all our questions. Roy helped us with finding WIFI spots, charging our devices, finding showers and good laundry options. He was also very entertaining with his singing and guitar! Among many other things he gave us guidance on what layers to wear each day, and most importantly, monitored everyone for signs of altitude sickness. He also walked at the back of our group to keep an eye on everybody and give care and advice to anyone with any problems. Our Sherpa Meg who guided the trek from the front and also helped serve the food, brought us our early morning cup of tea and our wash-bowls, and anything else we needed, was a busy man all day long and nothing was too difficult for him. We had porters to carry our kitbags and they were very well organised by the Sirdar Gopal, picking up our kitbags every morning and delivering them to our new campsite before we got there ourselves. Great work guys. I had a wonderful experience on the trek, amazing scenery and Nepali culture, just lovely people in our group (in fact the best!), we had lots of fun together! The trek was quite strenuous with many, many steep inclines and declines, it was a great achievement for me and I was fortunate to go with such wonderful trek buddies and such an excellent organisation as Everest Expeditions Nepal.
Anonymous, via Tour Radar

The trek was immaculately organised down to a tee. I could not be more impressed with our itinerary and how it was planned and executed to provide a seamless and world-class experience. What was most influential, however, was the quality of staff that accompanied us on our journey. 

Spending 14 days in close proximity to our guides and porters means that their personalities and attitudes have a strong bearing on the way the trip pans out and whether it is a positive or negative experience. Our guides Asim and Nabin were absolutely exceptional. They not only performed their duties, but also went above and beyond their responsibilities to be extremely caring, friendly, and fun-loving. They single-handedly made the trek memorable and are excellent ambassadors for Everest Expeditions Nepal

Examples of this are plentiful, but of particular note was how the crew added personal elements to the journey. Asim's daughter turned ten whilst we were on the trip - the day's acclimatisation walk therefore revolved around ascending high enough to gain phone reception so that we could all sing happy birthday to her. That night, our dessert was a birthday cake (and we all sang again). Nabin was equally as friendly, hugging each of us as we reached Base Camp and sumitted Kala Pattar. 

Following the trek, Asim came to our hotel to see us several times and recommended multiple restaurants and experiences in Kathmandu. He also got Nabin on the phone so we could say a final goodbye the night before our flight home. 

In this way I felt that it was an incredibly personal experience, and one that I will certainly recommend to others. Thank you very much to everyone at Friendship World Treksthat made the trek a fantastic experience.

Tom Hall Sydney

We have just returned from Nepal and the Everest Base Camp trek. we had an amazing trip, everything was well organised and the staff in Nepal were fantastic. Our guide Tikendra was an absolute credit to Everest Expeditions Nepal, with both his professionalism and knowledge. I could not speak more highly of all of our local guides and Sherpas. 

After traveling and trekking with other companies world wide, I will definitely be traveling with you again. The standards that we experienced are definitely above and beyond anything that is out there in the current market! 

Thank you for a trip of a lifetime! 

David W. Victoria, Australia

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