
Monday, April 20, 2020

Round Manaslu Trek

Round Manaslu Trek
From the Hindu middle hills culture to the Tibetan high-country dwellers, the Manaslu Circuit trek in the heart of the Nepal Himalaya is a cultural trek par excellence, without a doubt one of the best treks in Nepal. Manaslu, 'The mountain of the spirit', is the eight highest peak in the world, and from upper Nubri must be one of the most beautiful ones; the spectacular mountain scenery has to be seen to be believed. 

We trek the classic high trek around Manaslu from the historic town of Gorhka, with its wonderful 'durbar', or palace, to Kutang in lower Manaslu and on to upper Nubri, where trade with Tibet continues as it has for hundreds of years. We experience incredible mountain panoramas after the first few days, and add extra days at the most beautiful villages before the Larkya La (pass).
The diverse Tibetan culture, spectacular scenery and snow peaks of the Manaslu Himal Circuit make it one of the most interesting, as well as one of the most challenging, treks in Nepal. 

DAY 1 Arrive Kathmandu [1,300m/4,264 ft]-Transfer to Hotel
Upon your arrival in the Kathmandu airport (TIA), you will be greeted by a representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal After completing your custom formalities (Visa, etc) pick up your luggage and look for our representative with a Everest Expeditions Nepal display board at the arrival gate. You will be then transferred to Hotel. After check in, you will visit EEN office, meet your trekking leaderas well as other participants and make final preparations for the trip. Later in the evening we will organize a Welcome Dinner at an excellent traditional Nepalese Restaurant where you will enjoy the Nepalese cultural program along with a fine meal. Included meal: Dinner (D)

DAY 2 Kathmandu: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation 
Today after breakfast we start a guided tour to several of the most historical and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu. Some of these landmarks are considered World Heritage Sites; including the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupati Nath, the famous 'Monkey Temple' (Swayambhunath) and Buddhists shrine (BouddhaNath) which is one of the large Stupas in the world. In the afternoon, there will be a pre-trip discussion where we can meet our trek leader and other team members. Everest Expeditions Nepal briefs us regarding our trek as well as provides us opportunity to ask any questions we may have regarding our upcoming adventure. Overnight at Kathmandu. Included meal: Breakfast (B)

DAY 3 Drive Kathmandu to Arughat [600m/1968 ft]
A 5 hour drive (142km) from Kathmandu into the western mountains takes us to Gorkha, the Capital of Medieval Nepal. Another 42km drive on a dirt road and we reach reach Arughat, our trek start point. The dirt road from Gorkha to Arughat may not be drivable during the monsoon season. In that case, we may have to begin our trek right from Gorkha and reach Arughat in the evening. Arughat is a major town in the region and is divided in two parts with the Buri Gandaki River flowing between them. Overnight at Arughat. (B,L,D)

DAY 4 Arughat - Soti Khola [710m/2328 ft]: 5-6 hrs
We cross the bridge over Budhi Gandaki and begin our trek from the western part of Arughat. After completing with the ACAP procedure, we follow the stone-paved street north through the bazaar. We pass through the hydro- lectric power plant, fields of rice and millet to Maltar,  and through forests Sante Bazzar. The trail to Budhi Gandaki valley now becomes steeper and the trek more difficult as we cross the Arkhet Khola on a suspension bridge, passing the shops of Arkhet. Descend to a high, cascading waterfall making a long steep slog up a ridge to Kyorpani. Then from here the trail descends to Soti Khola. Overnight stay at the campsite at Soti Khola. Overnight at Soti Khola. (B,L,D)

DAY 5 Soti Khola - Maccha Khola [900m/2952 ft]: 6-7 hrs
Cross the bridge and trek through the beautiful Sal forests, then climb onto a ridge above huge rapids on the Budhi Gandaki. We then reach to Khursane.  The rocky trail then weaves its way up and down, past two tropical waterfalls on a steep, rocky trail clinging to the side of a cliff. It eventually makes its way down and past a few rice terraces, then up and around to the Gurung village of Labubesi. Climb behind a rocky outcrop, where the valley opens and the Budhi Gandaki meanders among wide gravel bars. Drop to the sandy river bed and walk along rounded stones before climbing over a side ridge. Head down again to the river and traverse to Machha Khola village. Overnight at Machha Khola. (B,L,D)

DAY 6 Maccha Khola -Jagat [1410m/ 4625 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The narrow trail makes some minor ups and downs and eventually crosses the Tharo Khola, flowing in a rocky ravine, then reaches Khorlabesi. After a few more ups & downs there is a small trailside hotspring, from where we reach to Tatopani. From the Hot spring we climb over another ridge, then cross the Budhi Gandaki on a suspension bridge. Climb on a wide, well-crafted staircase, then across a landslide and over a ridge to Dobhan. Crossing a suspension bridge over the Yaru Khola we climb the stone stairs and then drop to the river and again climb more stone stairs to Tharo Bharyang. Cross to the west bank of the budhi gandaki, climb over a ridge, trek along the river then climb towards the village of Jagat. Overnight at Jagat. (B,L,D)

DAY 7 Jagat to Deng [1,804m/5917 ft]: 6-7 hrs
Climb over a rocky ridge to Salleri, and then descend to Setibas. The valley widens a bit as the trail continues up to Ghatta Khola. Continue upstream to a long suspension bridge. Climb up to Philim, a large gurung village. The trail turns north just above the lowest house in the village and stays fairly in level as it traverses millet fields to Ekle Bhatti. Beyond Ekle Bhatti the route enters a steep, uninhabited gorge. Descend to the grassy land slopes, cross the Budhi Gandaki, then trek along the west bank for a while, then cross to the east bank and then back again. As we keep walking the valley widens through bamboo forests to the Deng Khola.  Crossing the khola we arrive at the tiny village of Deng. Overnight at Deng. (B,L,D)

DAY 8 Deng - Ghap [2165m/7102 ft]: 3-4 hrs
After a short distance beyond Deng we recross the Budhi Gandaki on to the north bank and then climb to Rana at 1980m. From the bridge we climb a bit to join a trail from Bhi , then head west up the Budhi Gandaki valley. Crossing various streams and rivers we drop into the Sringi Valley. Making ups and downs in forests, we pass mani walls and then turn to a corner and contours to Ghap. Overnight stay at Ghap.  You can make a side-trip to Prok. Visit the Tibetan Gompas at Prok. There is also an MCAP office in Prok village. Overnight at Ghap. (B,L,D)

DAY 9 Ghap - Lho [3180m/10,430 ft]: 7-8 hrs
The trail follows the river upstream through dense forest. After crossing the river at an impressive spot where it thunders down a narrow gorge, the forest becomes less dense and the trail is fine again. The pleasant walk continues and after a last steep climb we reach Namru. To the south rises a huge peak, Himal Chuli. Climbing steadily in the shade of a forest takes us to Lihi, a fine village with many chortens and many barley terraces. We still have quite some way to go to Lho. Ganesh Himal rises high into the sky when we turn around. The trail drops and crosses the sidevalley of Simnang Himal. A chorten with detailed paintings announces Sho, another nice village with fine views up the open valley. One final steep slope needs to be climbed and then we reach the houses that are lined up on a ridge.Overnight at Lho. (B,L,D)

DAY 10 Lho - Samagaon [3530m/11,578 ft]: 5-6 hrs
The Buri Gandaki is far down but we follow a small tributary instead. Walking in the shady fir forest is very enjoyable. A short climb to a plateau and the village Shyala. Huge mountains surround us, Himal Chuli and Peak 29 (Ngadi Chuli) to the left, Manaslu and large glaciers straight ahead, other snow summits to the right, at the far end of the valley we have just come from stands Ganesh Himal. From a large chorten we look down into a little dip where two rows of houses form the main part of Sama. At the far end of the village, overlooking the valley stands the well-known monastery of Sama. Overnight at Samagaon. (B,L,D)

DAY 11 Samagaon - Pungyen gompa - Samagaon
We spend the day at Samagaon both for rest and acclimatization. Ponder at the thousands of mani stones with Buddhist texts and pictures. Meet the village women in Samagaon who wear a nice silver spoon as jewelry. On a little hill near Samagaon is an old Gompa. Take a sidetrip to Pungyen Gompa, a monastery with great views of the glacier. It is named after Manaslu, Pungyen means bracelet, a good description of the two peaks. It was destroyed a year after the first unsuccessful Japanese attempt to climb Manaslu. The locals believed that the climb angered the gods, and when the Japanese came back a year they met so much resistance that they had to give up their attempt. They finally summitted the the mountain in 1959. Overnight at Samagaon. (B,L,D)

DAY 12- Sama - Samdo [3860m/12,660 ft]: 4-5 hrs
Descend to the Budhi Gandaki, that has turned north, and follow it to a bridge over a side stream. The trail to the left leads to the Manaslu Base camp. The Larkya la Trail passes several mani walls as the valley begins to widen. It is an easy trail on a shelf above the river passing the juniper and birch forests of Kermo Kharka. We drop off the shelf, cross the Budhi Gandaki on a wooden bridge and climb steeply onto a promontory between two forks of the river. From a stone arch we can see a large white kani, finally passing through the kani we find Samdo. Overnight at Samdo. (B,L,D)

DAY 13 Samdo - Dharamsala/Larkya B. C. [4460m/14, 628 ft]: 4-5 hrs
We continue our walk down the edge, cross the wooden bridge over Buri Gandaki and begin walking upward. Cross two streams and witness the Larkya Glacier. Go around the valley of the Salka Khola and climb up again and come to the stone guest house (4450 m) which is not a lodge but a kind of shelter called DharmShala, also known as Larkya Phedi. We camp here today and have a rest to prepare for tomorrows crossing of the famous and most awaited Larkya Pass. The short walk today also leaves plenty of time for acclimatization and relaxing in the afternoon. Overnight at Dharmashala. (B,L,D)

DAY 14 Dharamsala - Larkya la [5100m/16, 728 ft] - Bimthang [3720m/12, 201 ft]: 8-9 hrs
After a short climb, we reach the ablation valley on the North side of the Larkya Glaciers. There are views of Cho Danda and then of Larkya Peak. Finally, we walk across the moraines of the glacier, making a gradual ascent which becomes steeper only in the last section to the pass. From the pass, there are outstanding views of Himlung Himal, Cheo Himal, Kangguru and the huge Annapurna II. Savor the spectacular views from the top of the pass. It is a longer day then usual to Bimtang, but to walk into these low pastures with the evening mist coming in and Manaslu; it's an experience not to be missed. Overnight at Bimthang. (B,L,D)

DAY 15 Bimthang - Gho [2560m/8396 ft]: 4-5 hrs
Cross the high pasture, descend the valley of the Burdin Khola. From a ridge at 4150 meters, you have excellent views of Manaslu to the South East and Annapurna II to the South West. Beyond a bridge over the headwaters of the Dudh Khola, descend into a rhododendron forest and follow a trail through a narrow valley until we reach the highest cultivated land in this valley at Karche, 2785  meters. From here we cross a slide, then go across fields before making a steep climb over a ridge. The trail comes off the ridge in a big, sweeping arc to the river bank at 2580m. A short distance beyond is the village of Gho. Overnight at Gho. (B,L,D)

DAY 16 Gho - Dharapani [1920m/6297 ft]: 3-4 hrs
Continue through the fields, over a clear stream, passing through the houses and fields interspersed with rhododendron and oak
forests. Staying on the north bank we trek into Tilje. Climb over a small ridge to the stone - paved village and wind among the closely spaced houses of this large Village. Leaving the village, cross the Dudh Khola and trek along the river embankment. Cross a wooden bridge back to the northern side of the Dudh Khola and climb up through a chorten-shaped arch and past a mani wall to Thonje. At the village of Thonje, we go through a police checkpoint, and then continue to Dharapani. Overnight at Dharapani. (B,L,D)

DAY 17 Dharapani - Syange [1080m/3542 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The remainder of our trek follows trails used on the first few days of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. We descend to the Marsyandi River and cross the suspension bridge. Climb up and away from the river and hike through a broad, flat valley to the village of Tal (1,675m), situated at the foot of a large waterfall. The trail continues on to Chyamje, recrossing the river once again. It then descends through forests of rhododendron and pine to Syange. Overnight at Syange. (B,L,D)

DAY 18 Dharapani - Syange [1080m/3542 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The remainder of our trek follows trails used on the first few days of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. We descend to the Marsyandi River and cross the suspension bridge. Climb up and away from the river and hike through a broad, flat valley to the village of Tal (1,675m), situated at the foot of a large waterfall. The trail continues on to Chyamje, recrossing the river once again. It then descends through forests of rhododendron and pine to Syange. Overnight at Syange. (B,L,D)

DAY 19 Drive Besi Sahar to Kathmandu by bus: 7-8 hrs
A 7 to 8 picturesque drive on the way back to Kathmandu along the banks of the Marsyangdi and Trishuli rivers with splendid views of green hills, mountains, farming terraces and villages on both sides of road. In Kathmandu, transfer to your hotel, the day at leisure to rest, perhaps catch up on some last minute shopping or explore any sights you missed during your first day in Kathmandu. In the evening, we host a dinner to celebrate our successful completion of Around Manaslu Trek. Overnight in Kathmandu. (B,L,D)

DAY 20 Farewell Friend
Your adventure in Nepal comes to an end today! There is nothing to do but trade emails with travel companions and organize the photos. If you have more time you can do some shopping or sightseeing. A representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal will take you to the airport approximately 3 hours before the scheduled flight. On your way home you'll have plenty of time to plan your next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal. (B)

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