
Monday, April 20, 2020

Dhaulagiri Round Trek

Dhaulagiri 8,167m - the 7th highest mountain in the world - means the "white mountain" though many mountains over the world have names, which translate to White Mountain. This is a strenuous trek, through high alpine pastures, higher passes and serene and uninhabited valleys. Everyone is familiar with the name Dhaulagiri which is in the western part of Nepal, probably the best spot for remote and adventurous trekking in Nepal. The simple reason behind it is that it consists of more than fifteen 7,000m magnificent peaks with land of dramatic contrast.

Dhaulagiri trekking routes start after an 8-hour scenic drive from Kathmandi to Beni, from Beni you head in a north-westerly direction through the villages of Babichour, Dorbang and Darapani to Muri, from where you head north still keeping to the banks of the Myagdi Khola. Muri is the last major settlement along this trail and is inhabited by people of the Magar tribe, of Mongoloid stock and descended from the early settlers of the Nepalese middle hills. From Muri, you head north along the Myagdi Khola through the villages of Baghara, Dobang and Chartare to Pakoban. Beyond Pakoban there are no permanent settlements. Still heading north you skirt the Chhanbardan Glacier, keeping on its left side, to reach the Dhaulagiri Base Camp from where magnificent mountain vistas are available. Head north-east from the Base Camp and climb the steep incline to the French Pass (5,360m), between Tukche Peak (6,920m) and Sita Chuchura (6,611m). Heading east you descend a little and pass through a portion of the Hidden Valley and climb to Thapa Pass (5,250m), between Tukche Peak and Thapa Peak (6,012m) from where you begin your descent, heading south-east to Alubari. From Alubari, the trail further descends to the village of Marpha on the banks of the Kali Gandaki River, and then heads north to Jomsom from where you fly back to Pokhara.

Day 01- Arrival in Kathmandu airport (1345meters).
Our airport representative will be receiving you at Tribhuvan International airport, Kathmandu and s/he will be displaying an Everest Expeditions Nepal signboard outside the airport terminal. You will be then transferred to your respective hotel in our private tourist vehicle. Overnight at Hotel. (No meals included)

Day 02- Pre-trip Meeting and Sightseeing around Kathmandu valley.
In the morning, after breakfast, At around 8am, we host a pre-trip meeting at your hotel in Kathmandu and introduce your trek leader/guide. Please seek this opportunity to ask questions about your trek. We will also supply you with our trek Duffel Bag, T-shirt and a Cap. For the meeting, please make sure you bring passport, three copies of passport-size photos, and a readable copy of your travel insurance policy. During this meeting, please clear the due balance, if any, and sign the legally binding trip form as well as the non-liability disclaimer. Please inform us in advance if you will be arriving late and therefore are unable to attend the pre-trip meeting.

After the meeting and a hearty breakfast, your sightseeing trip will start at around 9:45am. You will have a private vehicle and a professional tour guide at your disposal. We visit Boudhanath Stupa, one of the biggest Buddhist shrines in the world, where we observe Buddhist monks praying in the monasteries surrounding the stupa. After Boudhanath Stupa we visit Pashupatinath, the most famous Hindu temple in the country, located on the banks of the holy Bagmati River. Here we see Hindu holy men (sadhus) meditating, pilgrims bathing and occasionally funeral pyres burning on the ghats. We will also visit Bhaktapur Durbar Square, which is a collection of pagoda and shikhara – style temples grouped around a fifty-five-window palace of brick and wood. The attraction of the Bhaktapur Durbar Square is The Lion gate, The Golden gate, The Palace of fifty five windows, Art Galleries, The Statue of King Bhupatindra Malla. The rest of our time in Kathmandu is free for further exploration and some last-minute shopping in Thamel area near by your hotel. Overnight at a hotel.
(Breakfast Included)

Day 03 - Drive to Beni (850m) by bus - 8 hrs
After breakfast, you head to Beni by Local Bus or Private Vehicle. You'll find most of the scenery is very enjoyable along the countryside. Beni is the district headquarters and has a police check post where your trekking permits will be examined. The town is at the confluence of the Myagdi Khola and the Kali Gandaki. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 04 - Trek to Babiachor (950m) - 5 hrs
Leaving Beni and Kali Gandaki the trek heads west along the north bank of the Myagdi Khola through the village of Beni Mangalghat to Singa and Tatopani (hot springs). Crossing the bridge beyond the village to the south bank of the river, the trail makes a little half loop before crossing another bridge, near the village of Simalchour, back to the north bank from where it continues to the village of Babichor. Overnight at tented camps.(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 05 - Trek to Dharapani (1,400m) - 6 hrs
The valley widens and terraced hills develop on both sides of the river. The trail is fairly level and you pass the village of Shahashradhara, cross the Duk Khola and walk through fields arriving at Ratorunga. From here the valley narrows again and terraces disappear on either side of the river. Continue to the village of Dharapani. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 06 - Trek to Muri (1,850m) - 5 hrs
After crossing the river to its West Bank as you leave Phedi, the trail starts climbing in earnest and there will be many switch-backs until you arrive at the ridge and the angle of ascent eases. Again the trail climbs steeply to the villages of Muri. Continue your trek to Sibang and Mattim. From here you continue up an incline to the snout of the ridge, descend to the Gatti Khola and reach Phalai Gaon (1,810m). Cross the Dhara Khola to once again emerge on the west bank of the Myagdi Khola and then climb a ridge to the large Magar village of Muri. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 07 - Trek to Boghara (2,080m) - 6 hrs
Descend a little, cross a stream and continue through terraced fields before climbing a ridge to reach the pass from where you can see Mt. Ghustung South (6,465m). Descend to the Myagdi Khola and trek along its West Bank to the village of Naura from where you will climb a little before traversing a grassy hill and climbing a steep slope with switch-backs, then descend through a forest and terraced fields to Boghara (2,080m). Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 08 - Trek to Dobang (2,520m) - 5 hrs
The trail first descends through terraced fields to a small ridge, then through a forest to Jyardan which is the most remote permanent settlement in this part. After the settlement a high winding path crosses a rocky area which then descends before climbing again to Lipshe where there is one single hut. The trail continues through a forest to Lapche Kharka and then climbs to the level area at Dobang. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 09 - Trek to Choriban Khola (3,110m) - 5 hrs
After crossing a wooden bridge out of Dobang the trail ascends a forested area. Soon the west face of Dhaulagiri I (8,167m) becomes visible through breaks in the trees. Descend to the Myagdi Khola and cross via a wooden bridge to the east bank continue to Chartare. Passing through forests again, you cut across a rocky area and cross a stream to Choriban Khola. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 10 - Trek to the Italian Base Camp (3,660m) - 7 hrs
Follow a trail to the terminal moraine of the Chhonbarban Glacier and enter the glacier from the right. Tukche Peak (6,837m) becomes visible straight ahead; at the far end while the impressive north flank of Dhaulagiri I (8,167m) dominates the skyline to your right. After a short while you will reach Italian Base Camp (3,660m), which is also the site of your camp for the night. To the west are the peaks of Dhaulagiri II (7,751m), Dhaulagiri III (7,715m) and Dhaulagiri V (7,618m). Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 11 - Acclimatization and rest day
We will spend a day acclimatizing to the thinning of the air. It is recommended that your body acclimatizes to the high altitude and be adjusted for higher altitudes in the days to follow. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 12 - Trek to the Glacier Camp (4,210m) - 6 hrs
Set up early in the morning when the weather is expected to be clear. This Trail is prone to stone fall, which passes through a narrow gorge. Today we stay overnight near at glacier. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 13 - Trek to the Dhaulagiri Base Camp (4,740m) - 7 hrs
This is one of our adventurous days to Dhaulagiri base camp. From here you can look up at the impressive north face of Dhaulagiri I (8,167m) dominating the skyline to your right. To the west are peaks of Dhaulagiri II (7,751m), Dhaulagiri III (7,715m) and Dhaulagiri V (7,618m). In front of you is the impressive icefall that descends from the north-east col. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included

Day 14 - Another acclimatization and rest day
Another day to take some rest and more importantly, acclimatize to the lower air pressure. Views from this place are superb and there is plenty to explore. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 15 - Cross the French Pass (5,360m), then trek to the Hidden Valley (5,200m) - 6 hrs
After the glacier you climb two terraced hills, the first of which runs along the glacier, then cuts across the mountain flank and the moraine you enter a gentle incline on the left from an ablation valley. Climb this gentle slope to the French Pass (5,360m). A great vista opens up from the French Pass and you will be able to see Mukut Himal (6,328m), Tashi Kang (6,386m) and Sita Chuchura (6,611m), all of which surround the Hidden Valley. To the south is Tukche Peak (6,920m) and beyond is the massive peak of Dhaulagiri I. From the French Pass you continue along the right edge of the Hidden valley losing a little altitude to the Thapa Pass (5,250m) between Tukche Peak and Thapa Peak (6,012m). Descending from the Thapa Pass you will make it to the camp at 5,200m. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 16 - Cross Dhampus Pass (5,200m), and trek to Yak Kharka (3,680m) - 6 hrs
Descend from the Hidden Valley to the Dhampus Pass and continue to Yak Kharka. There is a perfect camp site to enjoy the surroundings. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 17 - Trek to Jomsom (2,710m) - 5 hrs
Continue on to the village of Marpha, on the west bank of the Kali Gandaki River. Marpha is home to many apple orchards as well as all various food products made from the fruit. Don't forget to taste the local Apple Brandy a specialty from the region that you may be lucky enough to taste en route. Continue north, up the river valley to the town of Jomsom. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 18- Morning flight to Pokhara - 30 mins. Sightseeing around Pokhara
A 30-minute morning flight takes us to Pokhara from Jomsom. Once we arrive at Pokhara airport, we then drive to the hotel. In the afternoon we will have a sightseeing tour around Pokhara valley, which covers Fewa Lake, Devi’s water fall, Museum, Tibetan refugee settlement and Gupteshower cave, etc. Overnight at a hotel. (Breakfast Included)

Day 19- Leisure day and sightseeing around Pokhara
It's also spare day in case of bad weather in Jomsom. Overnight at a hotel. (Breakfast Included)

Day 20 - Drive back to Kathmandu (1,345m) and farewell dinner
You have the option to extend your trip to continue onto Chitwan jungle safari, rafting adventure, Kathmandu valley shopping tour, scenic Everest flight, mountain biking and other activities. In the evening we will have a farewell dinner in a traditional Nepalese restaurant with cultural performances. (Your guide(s) and an office staff will accompany you.) Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu. (Breakfast and Farewell Dinner Included)

Day 21 - Transfer to the international airport for your final departure
The trip concludes today. Our Airport Representative will drop you at the international airport in Kathmandu for your flight departure from Nepal. (Breakfast Included)

The above information is a guide and standard template of what we provide. Our trip can be customized at your request to accommodate your specific requirements.

NOTE: During the trip; weather, local politics, transport or a multitude of other factors, that are beyond our control can result in a change of itinerary. It is, however, very unlikely that the itinerary would be substantially altered; if alterations are necessary the leader will decide what is the best alternative, taking into consideration the best interests of the whole group. Where a change does occur, we do everything we can to minimize its effect, but we cannot be responsible for the results of changes or delays.

Flight Delay in JOMSOM
Twin Otter is the primary mode of transport from the airstrip at Jomsom. This service is fairly dependable. Sometimes, flights may be canceled due to mountain weather conditions or other technical problems. In such case, Everest Expeditions Nepal will organize the alternative available road transportation to ensure you are on schedule for your international flight.

The expense of the road transport will be managed from the reimbursement received from the flight ticket after the deduction of the cancelation charge. So please note that there will be no refund of the flight from Jomsom to Pokhara if the alternative road transportation is consolidated.

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