
Monday, April 20, 2020

Langtang Valley Trek

Nepal is a melting pot of diverse cultures and ethnic groups. The country is also full of places with beautiful scenery. One can gain a unique adventure as well as cultural experience in the Himalayas by trekking.Being the ultimate destination for trekking lovers from across the world, Nepal has a variety of options ranging from mild and short excursions to highly strenuous and challenging treks to the snow-capped mountains, their foothills and lush green valleys. With a myriad of possibilities, the country’s trekking areas can meet the needs of every trekker interested to go on trekking to Nepal's hills, mountains and valleys. 

Situated at the foothills of Mt. Langtang Lurung and many other beautiful mountains, the Langtang Valley not only offers a breathtaking view but also gives a matchless mountain experience. The Langtang Region, which is considered the third largest trekking regions in Nepal, very accessible due to its proximity to the Kathmandu Valley. Often overlooked by trekkers in favour of the Everest or Annapurna regions, the Langtang valley is no less impressive. With dense forest which explodes into colour in the spring season, abundant wildlife and a rich mosaic of cultures, you will come away from this trip with the sensation that you have just visited one of the most beautiful valleys in the world.
We skirt the banks of the Trisuli River that originates in Tibet for the first few days of the trek. We would also pass through various scattered villages and fields of barley, wheat and maize. We start our climb up the Langtang valley through excellent forest of rhododendron, chirr and blue pine after crossing the Langtang Khola. The alpine scenery soon starts to take on a different feel, becoming much steeper as the trail meanders between steep gorges and high wooded slopes.

One of the nearest trekking destination from Kathmandu
Explore the remote and spectacular valley of Langtang
Learn Himalayan Heritage
Visit Lake Gosainkunda and other lakes

Day 01:Kathmandu (1320 m)Arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA). Upon arrival at the airport, you would be received by our representative and then transfer to hotel.

Day 02:Kathmandu to Syabru Bensi (2581 m)We take early drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Bensi via. Dhunche (1966 m.). We drive through scenic foothills and ridgeline vistas to Dhunche. The first part of our drive up to Trishuli Bazaar is quite smooth. Syabru Bensi is the starting point of our trek. It is a beautiful village stretched out along the ridgeline. Overnight stay at Syabru Bensi.

Day 03:Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel (2470 m.)Today we trek from Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel (2470m.). The trail goes along the ridge of Syabru's main street and then drop to the Ghopche Khola (2050 m.) and then to Pairo (1810m.). From this point, the trail goes to Rimche (2400 m.) through Bamboo (1960 m.) and finally end at Lama Hotel. En route one can see red pandas, monkey and bear.

Day 04:Lama Hotel to Langtang Village (3430 m.)Having lunch at Lama Hotel, we trek to Langtang village (3430 m.) via Ghore Tabela (3000 m.) which takes about six hours. We would find some grazing grounds of Yak on the way. The local people bring their livestock for grazing in the high pastures during the summer months. We find a monastery before we reach Langtang Village. We pay our short visit to the monastery and arrive at our destination.

Day 05:Langtang Village to Kyangjin Gompa (3870 m.)It is our turn to trek from Langtang Village to Kyangjin (3870 m.). It takes about three hours to reach there. Our trail climbs gradually through small villages and yak pastures as the valley opens further and the views become more extensive. Kyangjin Gompa is reached after crossing several small streams and moraines. We would visit the cheese factory at Kyangjin Gompa. We would enjoy the panoramic view of Dorje Larpa (6990m.), Langtang Ri (6370 m.), Langtang Lirung (7245 m.) and many more.

Day 06:Kyangjin Gompa We would acclimatize at Kyangjin Gompa and go for excursion to utilize our time. We would visit the monastery and the cheese factory, walk up the moraine to see the spectacular ice falls and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung or ascend Kyangjin Ri (4350 m).

Day 07:Kyangjin Gompa to Lama HotelTrek from Kyangjin Gompa to Lama Hotel. From Kyangjin, we retrace our route following the Langtang Khola to Langtang village and on to Ghora Tabela. Having lunch at Ghora Tabela, we trek steep descent to Lama Hotel.

Day 08:Lama Hotel to Sybru Bensi (1460 m.) We trek from Lama Hotel to Sybru Bensi (1460 m.). En route, we would find Tamang women weaving cloths. Besides, we would also be fortunate enough experience the rich culture of Tamangs and could see red pandas, monkey and various species of birds.

Day 09:Syabru Bensi to Kathmandu (1320 m.) We drive back to Kathmandu from Syabru Bensi. It is interesting to penetrate into the rural settlements on the way back to Kathmandu. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, we will be transferred to our hotel. Farewell dinner would be served in Bhojan Griha, a typical Nepali hotel. We would also be entertained with a cultural program. Overnight in our hotel.

Day 10:Back home destination.
Note: The departure schedule can be changed on any unavoidable circumstances such as weather hazards, trail slides, and avalanches.

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