
Monday, April 20, 2020

Hidden Valley Trek

Departure Date: March to May, September to November
Grade: Challenging

Dolpo Hidden Valley Trek is an amazing and adventurous Trekking destination of Nepal. This is tough and discovers the real ancient lifestyle of human being as started as well as same. The land of Dolpo- Himalaya is really attractive of nature and mountains with localities and we can cross trough several villages and different high passes via Nangdalo Kangla pass (5,360m), and we will reach over She- Phoksundo Lake, She-Gompa and we will have an another things to see which is very closed to their only 1000km, called Mt. Kailash in Tibet.

The trip into Dolpo in remote west Nepal will follow the Buddhist culture and Buddhism so; there is really strength living standard as well as join Family. We would like tell you this is an adventure and long journey to learn something about Dolpo’s people and their own traditional culture in Nepal. This Trekking is much longer and really few company will organize because they don’t know the route and expensive for everything due to remote places and nothing there product they only use Yaks and Seeps for survive so if you want to see this peoples and if you want to know about dolpo, Actual adventure will make sure with an experience guide, who has been many times there and he created this route accordingly. And you will have deferent’s view of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Dolpo range, Mustang many more, Welcome to Dolpo-Himalaya. 

Day 01: Arrive Kathmandu in International Airport meet and greet and transport to Hotel Harati, in Chhettrapati, kathmandu and at evening trekking tour briefing.
Day 02: Kathmandu - Nepalgunj by flight, 1 hour flight and sight seeing in Nepalgunj and overnight in Nepalgunj Hotel.
Day 03: In the morning flight Nepalgunj - Jhupal 40 minutes flight and trek start about 4 hour walk to Dunai,camp in Dunai (2150 m).
Day 04: Dunai - Ankhe (2660 m) about 6 hours walk.
Day 05: Ankhe - Sumdo (3100 m) about 5 hours walk.
Day 06: Sumdo - Ringmo Phoksindo (3728 m) about 4 hours walk.
Day 07: Ringmo rest day and Excoration around the Lake.
Day 08: Ringmo Phoksindo - Bagala Phedi (4150 m) 5 hours walk.
Day 09: BagalaPhedi - Bagala pass 5070 m.7 hours and Pelungtang, 4465 m.
Day 10: Pelungtang - Numala Pass 5190 m.7 hours, Jaglung Gompaabout 4520 m.
Day 11: Jaglung Gompa - Dho 4150 m. 5 hours.
Day 12: Dho - Mahala Phedi 4250 m.7hours.
Day 13: Mahala phedi - Mahala pass 5190m and Charkhala Phedi 4290 m7 ½ hours.
Day 14: Charkhala phedi -Charkhala pass 5035m and charkha village4050m 6 hours.
Day 15: Charkha village -Yak Kharka 4250 m about 6 hours.
Day 16: Yak Kharka -Bhery Kharka 4670 m. 4 hours.
Day 17: Bhery Kharka - Thula 5400 m & 8 hours Sangdaphedi 4450 m.
Day 18: Sangda phedi - There is one longpass 5200 m and Hidden valley 44250 m 8hours walk up and down valley. 
Day 19: Hidden valley - Thapa pass 5200 mk camp.with excoriation 7 hours walk.
Day 20: Thapa pass - Thapa peak 6012m climb and kalopani camp 5000 m.8 hours walk all together.
Day 21: Kalopani - Marpha 2670 m. 6 hours.
Day 22: Marpha - Jomshom 2750 m 2 hours.after lunch excoration to Village.
Day 23: Jomshom - Pokhara 920 m. by airplane 25 minute flying and by bus to Kathamandu about 6 hours drive.
Day 24: Departure Transport to International Airport.

Upper Dolpa Trek

Trekking Area: Upper Dolpa Trek
Price: Please E-mail us
Departure Date: March to May, September to February 

Trekking along the tropical forests comprising pine trees savour the beauty of Phoksundo Lake and encounter the Bonpos at Ringmo. Traverse through high passes and witness the sacred Shey Gompas before coming across the ancient trading hub Dho- the perfect trek to see the whole of Dolpo, Inner Dolpo Trek” This is one of Nepal’s classic mountain treks.

The route is most demanding as we traverse heights in excess of 5350 m and some of the most remote territory in Nepal. As we trek through the heart of Dolpo we are presented with a variety of both scenery and people. From Magar villages with lush green paddy fields surrounded by dense jungles in the south of Dhaulagiri to Bhotia fortress hamlets and gompas (monasteries) amid barren ,windswept hills, this trek shows how much more Nepal has to offer than the popular trails to Annapurna, Everest and Langtang. The hills along the way are sparsely populated and the trails through them peaceful and quite.

Crossing a series of high passes, the journey takes in Shey Gompa and the exotic villages set amidst the arid, remote highlands of Dolpo, making this a classic trek. Inner Dolpo Trek is one of our best sellers treks that extends to far-flung wilderness of western Nepal.

Undoubtedly, Inner Dolpo Trek caters some of Dolpo’s most intriguing highlights. The highlights of Inner Dolpo Trek with Explore Dolpo include natural paradise like Phoksundo Lake, unique cultural encounters so often as we traverse through villages of different ethnical tribes and religious devotees. Some of the oldest and most important monasteries like Shey Gompa are exciting trek highlights and the pain that every trekker would love to endure while crossing 5000m+ passes like Nangdala and Shey La lifetime experiences of Inner Dolpo Trek.”

Day 01- Arrival in Kathmandu airport (1345 meters).
Our airport representative will be receiving you at Tribhuwan International airport, Kathmandu and s/he will be displaying an Everest Expeditions Nepal signboard outside the airport terminal. You will be then transferred to your respective hotel in our private tourist vehicle. Overnight at Hotel.
(No meals included)

Day 02- Pre-trip Meeting and Sightseeing around Kathmandu valley.
In the morning, after breakfast, At around 8am, we host a pre-trip meeting at your hotel in Kathmandu and introduce your trek leader/guide. Please seek this opportunity to ask questions about your trek. We will also supply you with our trek Duffel Bag, T-shirt and a Cap. For the meeting, please make sure you bring passport, three copies of passport-size photos, and a readable copy of your travel insurance policy. During this meeting, please clear the due balance, if any, and sign the legally binding trip form as well as the non-liability disclaimer. Please inform us in advance if you will be arriving late and therefore are unable to attend the pre-trip meeting.

After the meeting and a hearty breakfast, your sightseeing trip will start at around 9:45am. You will have a private vehicle and a professional tour guide at your disposal. We visit Boudhanath Stupa, one of the biggest Buddhist shrines in the world, where we observe Buddhist monks praying  in the monasteries surrounding the stupa. After Boudhanath Stupa we visit Pashupatinath, the most famous Hindu temple in the country, located on the banks of the holy Bagmati River. Here we see Hindu holy men (sadhus) meditating, pilgrims bathing and occasionally funeral pyres burning on the ghats. We will also visit Bhaktapur Durbar Square, which is a collection of pagoda and shikhara – style temples grouped around a fifty-five-window palace of brick and wood. The attraction of the Bhaktapur Durbar Square is The Lion gate, The Golden gate, The Palace of fifty five windows, Art Galleries, The Statue of King Bhupatindra Malla. The rest of our time in Kathmandu is free for further exploration and some last-minute shopping in Thamel area near by your hotel. Overnight at a hotel.
(Breakfast Included)

Day 03 - Fly to Nepalganj from Kathmandu- 1 hr Flight.
The flight to Nepalgunj will give you good views of the Himalaya towards the North. Upon arrival, you will be transferred to your hotel. There will be time in the evening to have a good look around the town, which is 3 kms from the Nepal-India border. Overnight at a hotel.
(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 04 - Fly to Juphal (2,400 m). Trek to Dunai (2,150m) - 3 hrs
From Nepalgunj we take a flight to Juphal, it is about 35 minutes flight. Twin Otter is the primary mode of transport to from the airstrip of Nepalgunj to Juphal and Juphal to Nepalgunj. This service is fairly dependable. Sometimes, flights may be cancelled due to weather conditions or other technical problems. After landing in Juphal we will meet the trekking crew, do equipment packing and walk through terraced fields to the Bheri River and the narrow canyon which after 3 hours will lead you to a relatively larger village called Dunai. Overnight at tented camps.
(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 05 - Trek to Ankhe (2,660 m) - 6 hrs
From Dunai you cross the new suspension bridge and turn west, following the trail past the new hospital. At the confluence of the Thuri Bheri and Suli Gad rivers you turn to the north and follow the Suli Gad. The trail is fairly undulating but mostly up while the going is firm underfoot. You are never far from the river and can always hear its roar. You pass through an area which is overgrown with marihuana plants but also has crops for the villagers and animals including millet, pumpkin, potatoes, sweet corn and chillies. Many of the villages in this area are involved in the production of a lotus-like plant called 'chuk' that is used to make vinegar and medicines. You continue to track the river and eventually reach the settlement of Hanke, which is also the entrance to the Phoksundo National Park. The three villages you pass through have a strange name connection: Parela, meaning eyelash, Rahagaon meaning eyebrow, and Ankhe meaning eye. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 06 - Trek to Renje (3,104 m) - 7 hrs
The trail starts becoming very hectic but once you cross the river twice on well made bridges, you then make a steep ascent on a very narrow path, hugging the cliff face. Having descended to the river again the trail takes another steep ascent requiring frequent stops to watch the panorama of the landscapes and also for rest. You may camp on the side of Suligad River. Overnight at tented camps.
(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 07 - Trek to Phosundo Lake (3,600 m) - 6.5 hrs
From here the initial hours of the trek is fairly easy. But from Sumdo the trail becomes very much like an incline. Here the river is left behind and you follow the path high above the water. Climb up to a ridge, about 3,875m, from where you will have the most staggering views of a 300m waterfall, the highest in Nepal, and your first view of Phoksundo Lake. You then descend through birch forests to the upper reaches of the Phoksundo Khola and on to the picturesque settlement of Ringmo with its mud plastered chortens and mani walls. The village now has solar panels helping to improve the quality of life of the villagers. From the settlement it is a short walk to the shores of Phoksundo Lake where you set up the campsite. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 08 - Trek to Phoksundo Khola (3,507 m) - 6 hrs
You follow the trail that skirts the edge of the lake itself. This precarious trail is suspended on a gangway of wood supported on pegs, driven into crevices in the rocks and signals the remoteness of the area you are about to enter. You go very steeply up, to 4,040m, and then plunge down again to the valley bottom to enter the flood plain of the Phoksundo Khola and trek to your night stop alongside the river, within the confines of the forest to avoid the worst of the wind which is prevalent in the valley bottom. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 09 - Trek to Phoksundo Bhanjyang (4,402 m) - 7 hrs
Today you should take sandals or footwear suitable for Knee deep as you are crossings a few streams. This morning you continue along the level path through a glacial valley that now heads north. As this becomes narrower and narrower there are impressive vertical cliffs and contorted rock formations. At the confluence of the Phoksundo Khola and another, unnamed, mountain stream there is an old wooden bridge. Here you take the barely discernible path to the north east up a side valley which has a cavernous look. There is no trail as such, so it is necessary to clamber over rocks and boulders and to ford a stream that rushes down the steep valley. A long climb brings you to a sheep meadow where the trail veers up a steep ravine. A hard climb to the top brings you to yet another valley where you can see the Kang La, the pass will lead you to Shey Gompa. You camp just before the pass in a place that Peter Matthiessen christened 'Snowfields Camp'. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 10 - Cross the Kang La pass (5,151 m) and trek to Shey Gompa (4,126 m) - 7 hrs
The somewhat indistinct track is physically demanding, especially on the loose slate screed. It will take about 2.5 to 3 hours to reach the top of the Kang La. The views from the top are magnificent and well worth all the hard work. The height of the Kang La is variously given between 5,200m and 5,500m depending on the map one uses. On descending steeply to the valley floor, not more than 45 minutes, you make a long meandering trek along the banks of the river, crossing it once. A red chorten heralds your arrival at Shey Gompa where a quaint wooden log bridge leads up to the Shey compound. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 11 - Rest and exploration day at Shey Gompa
Shey means crystal - this monastery is also known as the Crystal Mountain. The lama of Shey resides at a red hermitage known as Tsakang Gompa which is west of Shey. It is not really a monastery but a retreat. Tsakang has been a meditation centre to many famous lamas from Tibet. Shey Gompa belongs to the Chaiba community, followers of the Padmasambhava and Kagyu sects.
It was the first Kagyupa monastery and its founder was the lama Ten-szin-Ra-Pa. The monastery was built during the 11th century. Shey is famous for its ancient Buddhist culture. In Dolpo the ancient Tibetan way of life combines animism with the teachings of Buddha. Drutup Yeshe introduced Buddhism in the Dolpo valley. Many years ago he came to Dolpo and came across wild people, whose supreme God was a 'fierce mountain spirit'. Crystal Mountain is to the west of Shey monastery. It is a very strange mountain indeed. Its contorted cliffs are laced with quartz and embedded with a rich variety of marine fossils. Shey Gompa stands above the confluence of Kangjunala and Yeju nala. Near the confluence there is a group of prayer mills turned by water wheels. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 12 - Cross the Saldang La pass (4,785m), and then trek to Namduna Gaon (4,400m) - 7 hrs
Today, you start by following a pleasant track amidst juniper, which ascends to a grey, stony canyon. This begins to zig-zag over bare rocks and coarse eroded soil until it eventually brings you to a flat spot, suitable for a brew or lunch, if the weather is fine. Then continuing very steeply up for 20 minutes before traversing to the top of the Saldang La pass. Here you will enjoy great views towards the arid landscapes of Mustang and the distant snow peaks of Tibet. The subsequent descent towards the north is long and tiring, but you finally come upon the welcome sight of pastures of grazing yaks and sheep and nomadic tents made from yak hair. This signals your approach to Namduna Gaon. Like Shey, the Namgung monastery is of the Karma-pa sect. The monastery, a red stone structure, is built against the backdrop of a cliff on the north wall of a gorge. The red and white colors of the Gompa and its Stupas are the only color in this stark landscape. The village itself consists of only six stone houses and has terraced fields on both sides of the tributary, which flows down to the Nam Khong valley. The economy of the region is based on agriculture, animal husbandry and trading. In Dolpo only one crop a year can be grown and this is mainly barley. In some village buckwheat, oilseed, potato and radish are also cultivated. Recently the main cliff temple collapsed and the villagers have now built a beautiful new monastery in the village itself. Overnight at tented camp. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 13 - Trek to Saldang (3,903 m) - 4 hrs
Leaving Namgung monastery and start climbing. Further on it begins a long thrilling traverse along some dusty barren mountains. Looking down into the valley bottom it is very evident that the people have made best use of the fertile valley as one sees the neat terraced fields showing bright patches of green and ripening crops. You ascend before going down steep slopes to the picturesque village of Salding, situated on a plateau high above the Nam Khong nala and the biggest village of the inner Dolpo area. Though the village lies at about the same altitude as Ringmo, it is totally different. Ringmo, a Himalayan village is situated below the tree line while Saldang belongs to the arid zone of the trans-Himalayan Tibetan plateau. The village stretches for two kilometers on an open slope and consists of five villages having eighty well-built houses with nearly six hundred villagers. It is prosperous, not only agriculturally, but also for its strategic location on a trade route to Tibet. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 14 - Trek to Sibu (3,942 m) - 6 hrs
After leaving Saldang on the way down to the river bed you pass through terraced fields, Stupas, Chortens, heaps of Mani stones and a Chaiba monastery. Namdo, the next village is also prosperous with sixty houses having nearly four hundred inhabitants. It stretches for more than 5 kms on the high slopes to the left of Nam Khong Khola. The Namdo monastery is located near the river bed. There is also another monastery on top of a high cliff. You camp near the small Settlement of Sibu, right on the river bank. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 15 - Trek to foot of the Jeng La (4,369 m) - 5 hrs
Following the line of the river valley the trail is fairly easy going initially. After about two hours it is necessary to wade another stream before turning into a side valley and the rise becomes very sharp. This is a pleasant meadow, but bestrewn with rocks, yak and other animal droppings. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 16 - Cross the Jeng La pass (4,845 m), trek to Tokyu Gaon (4,240 m) - 7 hrs
The trail is generally well compacted making the going underfoot easy, much easier than loose shale, but it is steep. It is only a 2 hour climb to reach the top of the Jeng La. From the top of the pass there are good views of the Dhaulagiri massif, glittering in the morning light. A rough track descends towards the Tarap valley. By the afternoon you find a green valley which leads you by a pleasant track down towards the Tarap Chu. Tarap is a dream valley with vast plains in high mountains extending 20kms along the river Tarap Chu. It has ten villages with cultivated fields, many Gompas and Chortens of both sects. You halt for the night at Tokyu monastery. This monastery also belongs to the Chaiba sect. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 17 - Trek to Dho Tarap (4,090 m) - 4.5 hrs
Before leaving Tokyu a short visit can be made to the Chaiba Gompa. The trail is broad and well-traveled, making the going easy and there is evidence of work in the fields, where the women will be bringing in the harvest - the men are away bringing down the herds of animals for the forthcoming winter. There are many Mani walls but some of the Chortens are in a bad state of repair. The ' French School ' is just outside the village of Dho Tarap where you have your night stop. Tarap is inhabited mostly by Magars who have lived here for generations but also by a few Tibetans. They wear home-spun clothing that is sometimes dyed maroon and they favor Tibetan style Somba (boots with upturned toes) for footgear. Men and women often wear both religious amulets and strings of coral and turquoise. The inhabitants of this village are both Bon Po and Buddhist (Nyingmapa). In the afternoon a walk up to the Buddhist Gompa is very worthwhile. There is a resident lama who is very happy to show off his monastery and might even let you see his private Gompa and the Tankas he has made himself. The Bon Gompa is about half an hour's walk from camp. Overnight at tented campss.
(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 18 - Trek to Serkam (3,630 m) - 6.5 hrs
Your route follows the course of the Tarap Khola, generally downhill. You go through narrow gorges with the river rushing through. One may see blue sheep, marmots, yaks, sheep, and goats and perhaps meet people from Dolpo taking their flocks of sheep and goats to lower pastures for the winter. The afternoon brings more undulations in the path when it leaves the immediate course of the river. There is evidence of improvements to the trail where parts of the rock have been blasted out. You will also see the first of the modern steel suspension bridges which have been built to facilitate movement of people and animals. The track is very narrow in places. You reach your overnight camp on a grassy strip by the river. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 19 - Trek to Khani Gaon (2,550 m) - 7 hrs
You continue to walk down the gorge of the Tarap River, at times alongside it and at others high above, on a narrow trail built out from the steep slopes. The quality of the path varies from broad, smooth and firm to very narrow and crumbly. There are also flights of manmade stone staircases which need to be tackled with care – some of the constituent rocks wobble when stepped upon! An exciting day in deep and awe-inspiring gorges. Your camp site is a pleasant meadow in the shade of a stand of trees. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 20 - Trek to Tarakot (2,281 m) - 4 hrs
Leaving Khanigoan by the new suspension bridge and then walk alongside the river, sometimes going very high before reaching down to the water again. Some of the trail is quite demanding and one bridge, said to have been out for six years, necessitates crossing on wet stepping-stones.
Coming into the broad fertile valley of the Barbung Chu, you walk amongst the various crops of millet, sweet corn, barley, buckwheat, green beans, chilies and marijuana. Your lunch and night stop is high above the river but there is a standpipe for water. Tarakot is an old fortress town known by the local people as Dzong, meaning 'fort'. Before the Gorkha dynasty Tarakot was the capital and had a dzong. The famous Sandul Gompa, which lies 8km east of Tarakot and at the junction of Barbung Khola and Tarap Chu, stands on a knoll to the south of Bheri river and at one time supervised collections of tolls for the trading caravans traversing an area called Tichu Rong. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 21 - Trek to Dunai (2,052 m) - 5 hrs
The trail is mostly down and fairly firm. Walking beside the Bheri river, you use the ingenious path built twenty feet above the river. All too soon you have reached the village of Dunai and the camp site you used before. You will now have completed the circuit of mysterious land Dolpo and a celebration party is sure to happen. Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 22 - Trek to Juphal (2,404 m) - 3 hrs
You now retrace your steps to Juphal. Initially the way is flat but the final hour up to your destination seems steeper than you remember on Day One! Overnight at tented camps. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 23 - Fly to Kathmandu via Nepalgunj
Early morning flight to Nepalgunj from Juphal. This is a wonderful 35-minute flight over the Himalayan foothills, with fine views of giant peaks including Annapurna and Dhaulagiri to the north. You then connect with the flight back to Kathmandu. Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu. (Breakfast and Lunch Included)

Day 24 - Leisure day and farewell dinner in Kathmandu
It's also spare day in case the flight to Kathmandu is delayed. You have the option to extend your trip to continue onto Chitwan jungle safari, rafting adventure, Kathmandu valley shopping tour, scenic Everest flight, mountain biking and other activities. In the evening we will have a farewell dinner in a traditional Nepalese restaurant with cultural performances. (Your guide(s) and an office staff will accompany you.) Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu. (Breakfast and Farewell Included)

Day 25 - Transfer to the international airport for your final departure
The trip concludes today. Our Airport Representative will drop you at the international airport in Kathmandu for your flight departure from Nepal. (Breakfast Included)

We do not have a fixed departure date for Upper Dolpo Trek. This trip can only be organized for a minimum of two people upon your request. We have price discounts according to the group size and number of pax. The bigger your group, the bigger your group discounts. A group booking of 10 or more people is subjected to a maximum discount with the availability of free trip to one person. If your group is much larger please contact us to discuss about the price. There is also the option of private and tailor made journey best suited for you, your family and friends. The trip price according to the number of pax is well illustrated below:

Upper Mustang Trek - 14 days

With hundreds of years of rich and complex history, Mustang is one of the most interesting and picturesque places in Nepal. Mustang is also quite popular among trekkers as Lomanthang. Mustang is probably a Nepali mispronunciation of the town of Mustang, the capital of Lo. The early history of Lo is full of myths. Trekkers are allowed to visit the area. Officially, Mustang is the name of the entire district along the Kali Gandaki River from the Tibetan border to Ghasa. Jomsom is the headquarters of the Mustang district. The restricted area of Tibetan influence is north of Kagbeni, and this place is referred to as Upper Mustang. The area has witnessed cultural, economic, and environmental changes over the years despite being protected as a restricted site.

Although Lo remained isolated for years, the local people are worldly, well- traveled and resourceful. They are essentially Tibetans and are skilful traders, travelers and merchant. Mustang is a Tibetan lost valley and stands as a hidden treasure of the Himalayan country of Nepal. Trekkers can enjoy visiting the Tibetans in the area with the most mystic landscape. It seems that "Mustang" is totally independent as the regional king "Mustangee Raja." He, however, does not rule.
With hundreds of years of rich and complex history, Mustang is one of the most interesting and picturesque places in Nepal.
It seems that "Mustang" is totally independent as the regional king "Mustangee Raja." He, however, does not rule.

Day 01:Drive to Pokhara (850 m) from Kathmandu (1,320 m.): 
It takes about six hours’ drive with beautiful mountain views and villages or you can fly from Kathmandu to Pokhara (30 minutes’ flight) and stay overnight at hotel

Day 02:Fly to Jomsom (2,750 m.) from Pokhara:
The 30-minute flight offers marvelous mountain view. Our trek starts from Jomsom. One can gain a unique experience while walking along the trail of this section. The landscape is barren. The sun is often hot and the powerful wind blows. The Kali Gandaki River-bed is about one-kilometer wide here. The river is divided into several streams. After completing about 3 hours of trek, we will reach Kagbeni, where we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 03:Kagbeni to Chele (3,050 m.):
The restricted area starts from Kagbeni. Foreign tourists are required to show permit at the local police post while going beyond Kagbeni. From Kagbeni, the trail climbs immediately to a ridge marked by a small stone chorten. Then, the trail descends and climbs over another ridge. After a few ups and downs along the narrow trail, we will reach a plateau at an elevation of 3,040 metres above sea level. The trail now drops steeply into a dry river bed and we need to make a short climb to Tangbe (3040 m). About one hour beyond Tangbe, we will reach Chhukung village. Some spectacular red organ-pipe eroded cliffs above the mouths of inaccessible caves can be seen across the Kali Gandaki from Chhukusang. After trekking for 5 and half hours’, we will reach Chele and stay overnight at camp.

Day 04:Chele to Geling (3,510 m.): 
We will have to pass through desert-like high altitude area that climbs in and out of huge side valleys of the Kali Gandaki. The climb from Chele is up a steep spur to a chain and a view of Ghyakar across a huge canyon. After crossing the ridge the trail enters a large side valley and makes long gradual descent to Samar. The trail climbs above Samar to a ridge, descends steeply to a stream. The, it climbs back to a chorten painted in red, and yellow, black and white all pigments made from local rocks. It’s short gentle climb to the Syangmochen La (3850 m). From here, we can see Geling. On this day, we will have to walk for about 7 hours and stay overnight at camp.

Day 05:Geling to Tsarang (3,560 m.):
The trail from Geling turns westward and climbs gently through fields up the centre of the valley, passing below Tama Gaon and its impressive chorten. After then, we will reach Nyi La (4,020 m.) and have beautiful mountain views and landscape. After making a bit descent down to Ghami, we can see a long Mani wall along the way. The staring trail descends below the blue, grey and red cliffs across the valley to a steel bridge across the Tangmar Chu. Then, the trail climbs past what is perhaps the longest and most spectacular stretch of Mani wall in Nepal. After Choya La pass, we will reach Tsarang. On this day also, we will have to walk for 7 hours. And we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 06:Tsarang to Lo–Manthang (3,730 m.):
The trail descends down to Tsarang Chu and climbs steeply up a rocky trail to a chain on a ridge opposite the village at 3,580m. Then, the trail enters the Tholung valley and turns north and climbs gently to a large isolated chorten that marks the boundary between Tserang and Lo. Finally, we will reach Lo La (3,950 m). There is a view of the walled city of Lo-Manthang. A short descent leads onto the plain of aspiration, and then the trail crosses a stream and climbs up onto the plateau of Lo-Manthang. Our trek for the day ends after 5 hours’ walk. Then, we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 07:Lo–Manthang Rest day (explore around)

Day 08:Lo-Manthang to Lo –Gekar (Ghar Gumpa) (3,620 m.):
The trail goes gently up. After 2 hours’ walk, we will reach Chogo La (4,200 m.). We can have breath-taking views of mountains, valleys, and pasturelands with many yaks grazing. Then, we will head down to Lo-Ghekar. After completing about 4 hours’ walk, we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 09:Lo–Gekar to Ghami (3,490 m.): 
After covering a distance of about 505m from Lo – Ghekar, we will reach Marang La and enjoy mountain views and Dhakmar village. We can also see a green community forest and nearby village with hundreds of caves at Dhakmar. Within 2 and a half hours, we will reach Ghami, where we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 10:Ghami to Syangmochen (3,810 m.):
We will follow the same trail.

Day 11:Syangmochen to Tetang (3,120m.):
From Syangmochen, the trail goes down hill passing through small villages of Samar, Chele and Chuksang and Tetang. We will stay overnight at camp.

Day 12:Tetang to Muktinath (3,760m.):
The trail goes up steep hill till Ghyu La (4,135m.) From here, we can have a panoramic mountain view Dhawalagiri, Nilgiri, Annapurna, Thorong Peak and many more. The trail goes down hill cross the hanging bridge and walking through Dzong village and we will reach the famous pilgrimage site of Muktinath. Today’s trek will be complete within about seven hours of walk and we will stay overnight at camp.

Day 13:Muktinath to Jomsom (2,760m.):
The trail goes gently down hill to Eklebhatti. Then, the route to Jomsom is straight. Better to walk early in the morning because the wind blows after about 11 a.m. Today’s trip will be completed within 5 hours and we will stay overnight at camp or lodge.

Day 14:Fly back to Pokhara from Jomsom
Note: The departure schedule can be changed on any unavoidable circumstances such as weather hazards, trail slides, and avalanches.

Nar-Phu Valley Trek

Nar-phu valley Trekking is probably the best trek of Annapurna region and for those who want to explore the hidden valley and trek off the beaten crossing through Challenging high passes like Masokanto La (5099 m), Kangla pass (5200 m) & Tilicho Pass (5230 m) with beautiful Lake Tilicho. Hidden by swirls of mountain mist ahead of us, from Kangla pass at 5200 m the magnificent panorama view of Annapurna massif appears remote and forbidding. Our destination is the Nar-Phu valley, above the tree line on the upper limits of cultivation, in the very north of Manang district. It takes five hours reaching the pass that links Nar with Manang and three other Bhotia villages in the Nyershang down valley.

Nowadays, Nar Phu has about 300 inhabitants who depend on livestock, unlike most Bhotia people, whose trading patterns changed drastically after the Nepali Government closed borders with Tibet, the people of Nar and Phu valley were least affected by this change. The tortuous path leading from the valley into Tibet had never made them dependent on the salt trade, and until today yak herding is the basis of their livelihood. The Nepal government's recent decision to open up Nar and Phu to tourists has evoked little enthusiasm among the villagers, whose pastoral lifestyle continues. Apart from the odd researcher and climbing expeditions permitted to climb Him lung, Ratnachuli and Gachikang, few foreigners have visited the area and tourism infrastructure is almost non-existent. Since Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) recently extended its network to include Nar and Phu Valley, it is preparing a suitable tourism development plan at the request of the government for the undiscovered valley.

Nar and Phu valleys are left untouched by modernization.
Explore the valley to the north
visit Phu village situated on the edge and travel south to Nar Village.
Cross Kangla Pass (5322 m ) east of Chulu East and join main Annapurna trail.

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,428 ft)
Upon our arrival at the Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu, we will be greeted by a representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal who will take us to Hotel Norbulingka or another hotel of a similar category. After checking in, we may take a rest or visit the Everest Expeditions Nepal office. In the evening there will be a welcome dinner in a traditional Nepali Restaurant where we will be able to enjoy authentic Nepali cuisine with a brief cultural program.  Overnight in Kathmandu.  Included meals:D

Day 02: Kathmandu: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation
Today after breakfast we start a guided tour to several of the most historical and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu which are also listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. We visit the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupatinath, the famous 'Monkey Temple' (Swayambhunath) and Buddhist shrine (Bouddhanath), which is also one of the largest stupas in the world. At noon, we get our equipment checked by our climbing leader, get introduced to fellow participants, and discuss our trip at Everest Expeditions Nepal office. Overnight in Kathmandu. Included meals:B

Day 03: Kathmandu to Jagat Drive (1100 m/3608 ft): 8-9 hours
We begin our journey at early dawn as we have a long drive ahead of us. We head-start right after breakfast and leave Kathmandu around 7 am in the morning. We see picturesque views of Nepali countryside, lush greeneries, rivers, villages, farms and mountain vistas en route throughout the drive. After 8-10 hours of drive we reach Jagat via Besishahar. Drive up to Besishahar will most likely be smooth owing to black-topped roads whereas after Besishahar, the roads get dusty and coarse but the scenic view from our windowpane is more than compensating for the bumpy ride. Overnight in Jagat.  Included meals:BLD

Day 04: Jagat to Dharapani (1,960 m/6,430 ft): 7-8 hours
Upon breakfast, we slowly begin our trek today. The trail from Jagat descends until it reaches the river and then continues through a lush forest. Further ascent leads to sharp-edged cliff facing the riverbank. En route, Chyamje comes into picture amidst the glorious backdrop of towering Annapurna mountain ranges. After crossing a suspension bridge, we climb steeply towards the slippery and physically challenging path to Sattale. On treading along a succession of rock-strewn trails, we descend to a grassy riverbank that leads to Tal. As we walk away from Tal, the path becomes rugged and winding. Then we approach steep forested village of Karte. Meandering along the waterfalls and cliffs, we finally reach Dharapani after crossing a suspension bridge. Overnight in Dharapani.  Included meals:BLD

Day 05: Dharapani to Koto (2,610 m/8,563 ft): 5-6 hours
We begin our trek in the morning towards Bagarchhap which takes about one hour passing through pine and fir forests. We can visit the white washed monastery in this village. Then we continue our trek till Danaque which takes about an hour. The trail is steeply ascending up to Timang. We have a good view of Mt. Manaslu and Peak 29 from here. Now the trail continues through pine forests again till Latamarang which takes about one and half hour. We break for lunch here and again resume through forests whereby we have a short glimpse of Annapurna II. Finally we arrive in Koto village. Overnight in Koto. Included meals:BLD

Day 06: Koto to Meta (3,560m/11,680ft): 7-8 hours
In the morning, we register our restricted area permit at the Police Check Post. Then we trek through the River bank of Soti Khola again through wonderful pine forests, streams and suspension and reach Dharmasala. We have our packed lunch on the way. We then continue the trek through forests and ascend steeply towards Meta village. Finally we arrive on the Tibetan Plateau where we have a very good view of Annapurna II and Lamjung Himal. Overnight in Meta. Included meals:BLD

Day 07: Meta to Phu Gaon (4,250 m/13,944 ft): 7-8 hours
We start our day traversing up and down and crossing suspension bridges over different streams. After almost 4 hours of trek we reach Kyang where we can see the remnants, particularly the ruined forts of the Khampa settlement (the place which Khampa refugees from Tibet once captured and lived). We further keep walking past the Phu Khola on a rocky trail and finally reach the Phu village in another 3 to 4 hours. Overnight in Phu Gaon. Included meals:BLD

Day 08: Acclimatization at Phu Gaon
Today is the scheduled acclimatization day whereby we are suggested to rest and get acclimatized with the altitude. As we are in the Lost/Hidden Valley, we can explore the culture, natural diversity, and religious practices of the ethnic groups like Lama, Gurung and Ghale in here. Besides this, we can trace out how people make their survival depending on agriculture, animal breeding and seasonal migrations in such remote location or in the hidden valley. It is also the day for us to explore the Tashi Lakhang Monastery – the old Buddhist Monastery listed out of the 108 world’s great Buddhist Monasteries; it is supposed to be the last monastery constructed by Karmapa Rinpoche. Apart from exploring the cultural avenues of the lost valley, the valley also offers us a great view of Himlung Himal and other snow peaks in the region. Overnight at Phu Gaon. Included meals:BLD

Day 09: Phu Gaon to Nar (4,110 m/13,484 ft): 6-7 hours
The trail descends passing many streams and suspension bridges until Mahendra Pul which takes about 4 hours. We pass the high suspension bridge 80m over the Gorge of Lapche River. We have lunch in Mahendra Pul. After lunch, the trail steeply ascends passing many Buddhist stupas until Nar Village which takes about 2 hours. We find several Buddhist Monasteries here to visit coupled with the glorious vistas of Pisang Peak and other small peaks. Overnight in Nar. Included meals:BLD

Day 10: Acclimatization and preparation at Nar
This is the second scheduled acclimatization/rest day for this trek. We spend the day taking a day hike nearby and explore Nar village and have a close look over the local culture and lifestyle. We also prepare for the trek next day. Overnight in Nar. Included meals:BLD

Day 11: Nar to Kang La Pass (5,322 m/17,460 ft) to Ngwal (3,660 m/12,008 ft): 7-8 hours
Today is adventurous day with long day hike so we get up early in the morning and head to Kangla pass. From pass we can see the Annapurna massif. We further trek down to Ngwal from there. Overnight in Ngwal. Included meals:BLD

Day 12: Ngwal to Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft): 4-5 hours
From Ngwal, we head for Manang today. We pass through the isolated village of Paugh overlooking the amazing views of Annapurna range. We then move gently uphill to Mungli and then to the main trail of Annapurna Trail at Mungli. We eventually reach Manang, where we set up our camps for overnight stay. Overnight in Manang. Included meals:BLD

Day 13: Manang to Yak Kharka (4,110 m/13,484 ft): 3-4 hours
From Manang village, the trail crosses a stream, climbs to a village of Tenki above Manang, and then continues to climb out of the Marshyangdi Valley turning northwest up the valley of Jarsang Khola. The trail follows this valley northward, passing a few pastures, a scrub of juniper trees, as it steadily gains elevation. The trail further passes near the small village of Ghunsa, a cluster of flat mud roofs just below the trailhead. Now the trail goes through meadows where horses and yaks graze. After crossing a small river on a wooden bridge, the trail passes an ancient old Mani wall in a pleasant meadow and then reaches another small village of Yak Kharka. Overnight at Yak Kharka. Included meals:BLD

Day 14: Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4,600 m/15,092 ft): 3-4 hours
We make our way to the foot of the pass, Throng Phedi today. Thorong Phedi is a small busy settlement catering to the needs of tired trekkers and climbers. Trekkers like us use this point as a base camp. Some visitors also attempt a hike to the High Camp today so that the next day can be easier for them. But, Friendship World Treks's team leader does not advise this. Although we will have a tough day tomorrow, we stop at Thorong Phedi so that we can have sound sleep in lower altitude rather than risking sleeping in a higher altitude at High Camp. Overnight at Thorong Phedi. Included meals:BLD

Day 15: Thorong Phedi to Thorong La (5,416 m/17764 ft) to Muktinath (3,800 m/12,467 ft): 7-8 hours
Crossing the arduous Thorong La Pass at a dizzying height of 5,416m/17,764ft is another highlight of this trek. An early start is important to go through the icy high-altitude trail. But the picturesque mountain vistas are more than compensates the strenuous walk through the grueling trail. We reach Muktinath by sunset which is an important pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Buddhist. We can stroll around the area which hosts a Vishnu temple and a Monastery nearby. Overnight at Muktinath. Included meals:BLD

Day 16: Muktinath to Jomsom (2,715 m/8,910 ft): 5-6 hours
We begin descending down the dramatic Kali Gandaki Gorge through the arid land. We pass by Jharkot and Khingar villages which has typical Tibetan architecture. Following the valley floor most of the way sprawled along the banks of the Kali Gandaki, we reach Jomsom. Overnight in Jomsom. Included meals:BLD

Day 17: Jomsom to Pokhara Flight (823 m/2,700 ft): 30 min flight
After breakfast we check in the airport for Pokhara flight. The scenic flight takes us through the gorge of the two huge mountains, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri. On arrival at Pokhara airport, we will be transferred to lakeside hotel. We get some rest and explore the beauty of Pokhara Valley in the evening. While we leisurely walk along the bank of Fewa Lake, the second biggest lake of Nepal while admiring the mountain view of Machhapuchhare. We can also go for a boat-ride in Fewa or take a short hike to the World Peace Pagoda. We can end the day with a leisurely stroll around the mesmerizing lakeside.Overnight in Pokhara. Included meals:B

Day 18: Pokhara to Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,428 ft): 5-6 hours drive
Today, after breakfast, we make a 200 kilometers drive back to Kathmandu. It’s better to hold on to the left pane of the vehicle to enjoy the scenery through the route. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, we will be transferred to our hotel. There is nothing to do but trade emails with travel companions and organize our photos. We can spend the evening leisurely, perhaps catch up on some last minute shopping and celebrate dinner together with Friendship World Treks Trekking staffs. Overnight at Kathmandu. Included meals:BD

Day 19: Final departure from Nepal
Our journey in Nepal comes to an end today! An Everest Expeditions Nepal representative will escort us to the airport approximately 3 hours before our scheduled flight. On our way home, we have plenty of time to plan our next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal. Included meals:B

Important Note : 
Your safety is of paramount concern while traveling with Everest Expeditions Nepal. Please note that your leader has the authority to amend or cancel any part of the itinerary if it is deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Every effort will be made to keep to the above itinerary; however, since this adventure entails traveling in remote mountainous regions, we cannot guarantee that we will not deviate from it. Weather conditions, health conditions of a group member, unexpected natural disasters, etc., can all contribute to changes in the itinerary. The leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan, but please be prepared to be flexible if required.

Langtang Valley Trek

Nepal is a melting pot of diverse cultures and ethnic groups. The country is also full of places with beautiful scenery. One can gain a unique adventure as well as cultural experience in the Himalayas by trekking.Being the ultimate destination for trekking lovers from across the world, Nepal has a variety of options ranging from mild and short excursions to highly strenuous and challenging treks to the snow-capped mountains, their foothills and lush green valleys. With a myriad of possibilities, the country’s trekking areas can meet the needs of every trekker interested to go on trekking to Nepal's hills, mountains and valleys. 

Situated at the foothills of Mt. Langtang Lurung and many other beautiful mountains, the Langtang Valley not only offers a breathtaking view but also gives a matchless mountain experience. The Langtang Region, which is considered the third largest trekking regions in Nepal, very accessible due to its proximity to the Kathmandu Valley. Often overlooked by trekkers in favour of the Everest or Annapurna regions, the Langtang valley is no less impressive. With dense forest which explodes into colour in the spring season, abundant wildlife and a rich mosaic of cultures, you will come away from this trip with the sensation that you have just visited one of the most beautiful valleys in the world.
We skirt the banks of the Trisuli River that originates in Tibet for the first few days of the trek. We would also pass through various scattered villages and fields of barley, wheat and maize. We start our climb up the Langtang valley through excellent forest of rhododendron, chirr and blue pine after crossing the Langtang Khola. The alpine scenery soon starts to take on a different feel, becoming much steeper as the trail meanders between steep gorges and high wooded slopes.

One of the nearest trekking destination from Kathmandu
Explore the remote and spectacular valley of Langtang
Learn Himalayan Heritage
Visit Lake Gosainkunda and other lakes

Day 01:Kathmandu (1320 m)Arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA). Upon arrival at the airport, you would be received by our representative and then transfer to hotel.

Day 02:Kathmandu to Syabru Bensi (2581 m)We take early drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Bensi via. Dhunche (1966 m.). We drive through scenic foothills and ridgeline vistas to Dhunche. The first part of our drive up to Trishuli Bazaar is quite smooth. Syabru Bensi is the starting point of our trek. It is a beautiful village stretched out along the ridgeline. Overnight stay at Syabru Bensi.

Day 03:Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel (2470 m.)Today we trek from Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel (2470m.). The trail goes along the ridge of Syabru's main street and then drop to the Ghopche Khola (2050 m.) and then to Pairo (1810m.). From this point, the trail goes to Rimche (2400 m.) through Bamboo (1960 m.) and finally end at Lama Hotel. En route one can see red pandas, monkey and bear.

Day 04:Lama Hotel to Langtang Village (3430 m.)Having lunch at Lama Hotel, we trek to Langtang village (3430 m.) via Ghore Tabela (3000 m.) which takes about six hours. We would find some grazing grounds of Yak on the way. The local people bring their livestock for grazing in the high pastures during the summer months. We find a monastery before we reach Langtang Village. We pay our short visit to the monastery and arrive at our destination.

Day 05:Langtang Village to Kyangjin Gompa (3870 m.)It is our turn to trek from Langtang Village to Kyangjin (3870 m.). It takes about three hours to reach there. Our trail climbs gradually through small villages and yak pastures as the valley opens further and the views become more extensive. Kyangjin Gompa is reached after crossing several small streams and moraines. We would visit the cheese factory at Kyangjin Gompa. We would enjoy the panoramic view of Dorje Larpa (6990m.), Langtang Ri (6370 m.), Langtang Lirung (7245 m.) and many more.

Day 06:Kyangjin Gompa We would acclimatize at Kyangjin Gompa and go for excursion to utilize our time. We would visit the monastery and the cheese factory, walk up the moraine to see the spectacular ice falls and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung or ascend Kyangjin Ri (4350 m).

Day 07:Kyangjin Gompa to Lama HotelTrek from Kyangjin Gompa to Lama Hotel. From Kyangjin, we retrace our route following the Langtang Khola to Langtang village and on to Ghora Tabela. Having lunch at Ghora Tabela, we trek steep descent to Lama Hotel.

Day 08:Lama Hotel to Sybru Bensi (1460 m.) We trek from Lama Hotel to Sybru Bensi (1460 m.). En route, we would find Tamang women weaving cloths. Besides, we would also be fortunate enough experience the rich culture of Tamangs and could see red pandas, monkey and various species of birds.

Day 09:Syabru Bensi to Kathmandu (1320 m.) We drive back to Kathmandu from Syabru Bensi. It is interesting to penetrate into the rural settlements on the way back to Kathmandu. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, we will be transferred to our hotel. Farewell dinner would be served in Bhojan Griha, a typical Nepali hotel. We would also be entertained with a cultural program. Overnight in our hotel.

Day 10:Back home destination.
Note: The departure schedule can be changed on any unavoidable circumstances such as weather hazards, trail slides, and avalanches.

Round Manaslu Trek

Round Manaslu Trek
From the Hindu middle hills culture to the Tibetan high-country dwellers, the Manaslu Circuit trek in the heart of the Nepal Himalaya is a cultural trek par excellence, without a doubt one of the best treks in Nepal. Manaslu, 'The mountain of the spirit', is the eight highest peak in the world, and from upper Nubri must be one of the most beautiful ones; the spectacular mountain scenery has to be seen to be believed. 

We trek the classic high trek around Manaslu from the historic town of Gorhka, with its wonderful 'durbar', or palace, to Kutang in lower Manaslu and on to upper Nubri, where trade with Tibet continues as it has for hundreds of years. We experience incredible mountain panoramas after the first few days, and add extra days at the most beautiful villages before the Larkya La (pass).
The diverse Tibetan culture, spectacular scenery and snow peaks of the Manaslu Himal Circuit make it one of the most interesting, as well as one of the most challenging, treks in Nepal. 

DAY 1 Arrive Kathmandu [1,300m/4,264 ft]-Transfer to Hotel
Upon your arrival in the Kathmandu airport (TIA), you will be greeted by a representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal After completing your custom formalities (Visa, etc) pick up your luggage and look for our representative with a Everest Expeditions Nepal display board at the arrival gate. You will be then transferred to Hotel. After check in, you will visit EEN office, meet your trekking leaderas well as other participants and make final preparations for the trip. Later in the evening we will organize a Welcome Dinner at an excellent traditional Nepalese Restaurant where you will enjoy the Nepalese cultural program along with a fine meal. Included meal: Dinner (D)

DAY 2 Kathmandu: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation 
Today after breakfast we start a guided tour to several of the most historical and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu. Some of these landmarks are considered World Heritage Sites; including the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupati Nath, the famous 'Monkey Temple' (Swayambhunath) and Buddhists shrine (BouddhaNath) which is one of the large Stupas in the world. In the afternoon, there will be a pre-trip discussion where we can meet our trek leader and other team members. Everest Expeditions Nepal briefs us regarding our trek as well as provides us opportunity to ask any questions we may have regarding our upcoming adventure. Overnight at Kathmandu. Included meal: Breakfast (B)

DAY 3 Drive Kathmandu to Arughat [600m/1968 ft]
A 5 hour drive (142km) from Kathmandu into the western mountains takes us to Gorkha, the Capital of Medieval Nepal. Another 42km drive on a dirt road and we reach reach Arughat, our trek start point. The dirt road from Gorkha to Arughat may not be drivable during the monsoon season. In that case, we may have to begin our trek right from Gorkha and reach Arughat in the evening. Arughat is a major town in the region and is divided in two parts with the Buri Gandaki River flowing between them. Overnight at Arughat. (B,L,D)

DAY 4 Arughat - Soti Khola [710m/2328 ft]: 5-6 hrs
We cross the bridge over Budhi Gandaki and begin our trek from the western part of Arughat. After completing with the ACAP procedure, we follow the stone-paved street north through the bazaar. We pass through the hydro- lectric power plant, fields of rice and millet to Maltar,  and through forests Sante Bazzar. The trail to Budhi Gandaki valley now becomes steeper and the trek more difficult as we cross the Arkhet Khola on a suspension bridge, passing the shops of Arkhet. Descend to a high, cascading waterfall making a long steep slog up a ridge to Kyorpani. Then from here the trail descends to Soti Khola. Overnight stay at the campsite at Soti Khola. Overnight at Soti Khola. (B,L,D)

DAY 5 Soti Khola - Maccha Khola [900m/2952 ft]: 6-7 hrs
Cross the bridge and trek through the beautiful Sal forests, then climb onto a ridge above huge rapids on the Budhi Gandaki. We then reach to Khursane.  The rocky trail then weaves its way up and down, past two tropical waterfalls on a steep, rocky trail clinging to the side of a cliff. It eventually makes its way down and past a few rice terraces, then up and around to the Gurung village of Labubesi. Climb behind a rocky outcrop, where the valley opens and the Budhi Gandaki meanders among wide gravel bars. Drop to the sandy river bed and walk along rounded stones before climbing over a side ridge. Head down again to the river and traverse to Machha Khola village. Overnight at Machha Khola. (B,L,D)

DAY 6 Maccha Khola -Jagat [1410m/ 4625 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The narrow trail makes some minor ups and downs and eventually crosses the Tharo Khola, flowing in a rocky ravine, then reaches Khorlabesi. After a few more ups & downs there is a small trailside hotspring, from where we reach to Tatopani. From the Hot spring we climb over another ridge, then cross the Budhi Gandaki on a suspension bridge. Climb on a wide, well-crafted staircase, then across a landslide and over a ridge to Dobhan. Crossing a suspension bridge over the Yaru Khola we climb the stone stairs and then drop to the river and again climb more stone stairs to Tharo Bharyang. Cross to the west bank of the budhi gandaki, climb over a ridge, trek along the river then climb towards the village of Jagat. Overnight at Jagat. (B,L,D)

DAY 7 Jagat to Deng [1,804m/5917 ft]: 6-7 hrs
Climb over a rocky ridge to Salleri, and then descend to Setibas. The valley widens a bit as the trail continues up to Ghatta Khola. Continue upstream to a long suspension bridge. Climb up to Philim, a large gurung village. The trail turns north just above the lowest house in the village and stays fairly in level as it traverses millet fields to Ekle Bhatti. Beyond Ekle Bhatti the route enters a steep, uninhabited gorge. Descend to the grassy land slopes, cross the Budhi Gandaki, then trek along the west bank for a while, then cross to the east bank and then back again. As we keep walking the valley widens through bamboo forests to the Deng Khola.  Crossing the khola we arrive at the tiny village of Deng. Overnight at Deng. (B,L,D)

DAY 8 Deng - Ghap [2165m/7102 ft]: 3-4 hrs
After a short distance beyond Deng we recross the Budhi Gandaki on to the north bank and then climb to Rana at 1980m. From the bridge we climb a bit to join a trail from Bhi , then head west up the Budhi Gandaki valley. Crossing various streams and rivers we drop into the Sringi Valley. Making ups and downs in forests, we pass mani walls and then turn to a corner and contours to Ghap. Overnight stay at Ghap.  You can make a side-trip to Prok. Visit the Tibetan Gompas at Prok. There is also an MCAP office in Prok village. Overnight at Ghap. (B,L,D)

DAY 9 Ghap - Lho [3180m/10,430 ft]: 7-8 hrs
The trail follows the river upstream through dense forest. After crossing the river at an impressive spot where it thunders down a narrow gorge, the forest becomes less dense and the trail is fine again. The pleasant walk continues and after a last steep climb we reach Namru. To the south rises a huge peak, Himal Chuli. Climbing steadily in the shade of a forest takes us to Lihi, a fine village with many chortens and many barley terraces. We still have quite some way to go to Lho. Ganesh Himal rises high into the sky when we turn around. The trail drops and crosses the sidevalley of Simnang Himal. A chorten with detailed paintings announces Sho, another nice village with fine views up the open valley. One final steep slope needs to be climbed and then we reach the houses that are lined up on a ridge.Overnight at Lho. (B,L,D)

DAY 10 Lho - Samagaon [3530m/11,578 ft]: 5-6 hrs
The Buri Gandaki is far down but we follow a small tributary instead. Walking in the shady fir forest is very enjoyable. A short climb to a plateau and the village Shyala. Huge mountains surround us, Himal Chuli and Peak 29 (Ngadi Chuli) to the left, Manaslu and large glaciers straight ahead, other snow summits to the right, at the far end of the valley we have just come from stands Ganesh Himal. From a large chorten we look down into a little dip where two rows of houses form the main part of Sama. At the far end of the village, overlooking the valley stands the well-known monastery of Sama. Overnight at Samagaon. (B,L,D)

DAY 11 Samagaon - Pungyen gompa - Samagaon
We spend the day at Samagaon both for rest and acclimatization. Ponder at the thousands of mani stones with Buddhist texts and pictures. Meet the village women in Samagaon who wear a nice silver spoon as jewelry. On a little hill near Samagaon is an old Gompa. Take a sidetrip to Pungyen Gompa, a monastery with great views of the glacier. It is named after Manaslu, Pungyen means bracelet, a good description of the two peaks. It was destroyed a year after the first unsuccessful Japanese attempt to climb Manaslu. The locals believed that the climb angered the gods, and when the Japanese came back a year they met so much resistance that they had to give up their attempt. They finally summitted the the mountain in 1959. Overnight at Samagaon. (B,L,D)

DAY 12- Sama - Samdo [3860m/12,660 ft]: 4-5 hrs
Descend to the Budhi Gandaki, that has turned north, and follow it to a bridge over a side stream. The trail to the left leads to the Manaslu Base camp. The Larkya la Trail passes several mani walls as the valley begins to widen. It is an easy trail on a shelf above the river passing the juniper and birch forests of Kermo Kharka. We drop off the shelf, cross the Budhi Gandaki on a wooden bridge and climb steeply onto a promontory between two forks of the river. From a stone arch we can see a large white kani, finally passing through the kani we find Samdo. Overnight at Samdo. (B,L,D)

DAY 13 Samdo - Dharamsala/Larkya B. C. [4460m/14, 628 ft]: 4-5 hrs
We continue our walk down the edge, cross the wooden bridge over Buri Gandaki and begin walking upward. Cross two streams and witness the Larkya Glacier. Go around the valley of the Salka Khola and climb up again and come to the stone guest house (4450 m) which is not a lodge but a kind of shelter called DharmShala, also known as Larkya Phedi. We camp here today and have a rest to prepare for tomorrows crossing of the famous and most awaited Larkya Pass. The short walk today also leaves plenty of time for acclimatization and relaxing in the afternoon. Overnight at Dharmashala. (B,L,D)

DAY 14 Dharamsala - Larkya la [5100m/16, 728 ft] - Bimthang [3720m/12, 201 ft]: 8-9 hrs
After a short climb, we reach the ablation valley on the North side of the Larkya Glaciers. There are views of Cho Danda and then of Larkya Peak. Finally, we walk across the moraines of the glacier, making a gradual ascent which becomes steeper only in the last section to the pass. From the pass, there are outstanding views of Himlung Himal, Cheo Himal, Kangguru and the huge Annapurna II. Savor the spectacular views from the top of the pass. It is a longer day then usual to Bimtang, but to walk into these low pastures with the evening mist coming in and Manaslu; it's an experience not to be missed. Overnight at Bimthang. (B,L,D)

DAY 15 Bimthang - Gho [2560m/8396 ft]: 4-5 hrs
Cross the high pasture, descend the valley of the Burdin Khola. From a ridge at 4150 meters, you have excellent views of Manaslu to the South East and Annapurna II to the South West. Beyond a bridge over the headwaters of the Dudh Khola, descend into a rhododendron forest and follow a trail through a narrow valley until we reach the highest cultivated land in this valley at Karche, 2785  meters. From here we cross a slide, then go across fields before making a steep climb over a ridge. The trail comes off the ridge in a big, sweeping arc to the river bank at 2580m. A short distance beyond is the village of Gho. Overnight at Gho. (B,L,D)

DAY 16 Gho - Dharapani [1920m/6297 ft]: 3-4 hrs
Continue through the fields, over a clear stream, passing through the houses and fields interspersed with rhododendron and oak
forests. Staying on the north bank we trek into Tilje. Climb over a small ridge to the stone - paved village and wind among the closely spaced houses of this large Village. Leaving the village, cross the Dudh Khola and trek along the river embankment. Cross a wooden bridge back to the northern side of the Dudh Khola and climb up through a chorten-shaped arch and past a mani wall to Thonje. At the village of Thonje, we go through a police checkpoint, and then continue to Dharapani. Overnight at Dharapani. (B,L,D)

DAY 17 Dharapani - Syange [1080m/3542 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The remainder of our trek follows trails used on the first few days of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. We descend to the Marsyandi River and cross the suspension bridge. Climb up and away from the river and hike through a broad, flat valley to the village of Tal (1,675m), situated at the foot of a large waterfall. The trail continues on to Chyamje, recrossing the river once again. It then descends through forests of rhododendron and pine to Syange. Overnight at Syange. (B,L,D)

DAY 18 Dharapani - Syange [1080m/3542 ft]: 6-7 hrs
The remainder of our trek follows trails used on the first few days of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. We descend to the Marsyandi River and cross the suspension bridge. Climb up and away from the river and hike through a broad, flat valley to the village of Tal (1,675m), situated at the foot of a large waterfall. The trail continues on to Chyamje, recrossing the river once again. It then descends through forests of rhododendron and pine to Syange. Overnight at Syange. (B,L,D)

DAY 19 Drive Besi Sahar to Kathmandu by bus: 7-8 hrs
A 7 to 8 picturesque drive on the way back to Kathmandu along the banks of the Marsyangdi and Trishuli rivers with splendid views of green hills, mountains, farming terraces and villages on both sides of road. In Kathmandu, transfer to your hotel, the day at leisure to rest, perhaps catch up on some last minute shopping or explore any sights you missed during your first day in Kathmandu. In the evening, we host a dinner to celebrate our successful completion of Around Manaslu Trek. Overnight in Kathmandu. (B,L,D)

DAY 20 Farewell Friend
Your adventure in Nepal comes to an end today! There is nothing to do but trade emails with travel companions and organize the photos. If you have more time you can do some shopping or sightseeing. A representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal will take you to the airport approximately 3 hours before the scheduled flight. On your way home you'll have plenty of time to plan your next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal. (B)

Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo Ri Trek

Trip Introduction
With its enticing side glens, a string of turquoise lakes, Nepal's biggest glacier and an arc of snow mountains, the Gokyo valley is the most attractive in the Khumbu Region. Our Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo Ri Trek is an alternative to classical treks in Khumbu that has been specially designed for travelers who are eager to experience the magnificence of the Everest range, while avoiding too much mental and physical stress. The view from Gokyo is exceptionally beautiful and offers more of the legendary mountain than the views from Kalapattar.

The trail of this trek follows the Everest Base camp route up to Sanasa, and then the follows Dudh Koshi River to its source, Ngozumpa Glacier. After a brief sightseeing in Kathmandu, we fly to Lukla (2,800m/9,186ft), from where we will proceed to Phakding. The next and more scenic day will be spent trekking up to Namche Bazaar (3,440m/11,286ft). The subsequent days we will pass through Phortse Village and Machhermo where the mountains are more spectacular. Passing through these villages, we also get a chance to have a look at the lifestyles of high altitude dwellers. We reach Gokyo enjoying the breathtaking beauty of Ngozumba Glacier, the largest of its kind in the Nepal Himalayas. The small herding settlement of Gokyo (4,750m/15,584ft) lies on the banks of the third lake in a series of small turquoise mountain lakes.

On ridge above Gokyo the four peaks above 8,000m (26,246ft), Cho Oyu, Everest, Lhotse and Makalu, expose themselves. If that is not enough have a look at the tremendous ice ridge between Cho Oyu and Gyachung (7,922m/25,991ft), considered one of the most dramatic panoramas in the Khumbu region. There are many options for additional exploration and high-altitude walking, including the crossing of Cho La, a 5,420m (17,782ft)-high pass into Khumbu and a hike to Gokyo Ri (5357m/19,216ft). The descent is made through Dole to Lukla to resume a fly back to Kathmandu.

Day to Day Itinerary

Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu [1300 m/4264 ft]
Upon our arrival in the Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu, we will be greeted by a representative from Everest Expeditions Nepal who will drop us off at our hotel. After checking in, we take a rest or visit the Everest Expeditions Nepal office. We may also stroll in the streets of Thamel, a tourist hub in Kathmandu for some souvenir shopping. In the evening, there will be a welcome dinner hosted by  Everest Expeditions Nepal at the Nepali Culture Restaurant. For dinner, you will be served excellent authentic Nepalese cuisine which will introduce you to the Nepalese food culture. Overnight in Kathmandu. Included meals:D

Day 02: Kathmandu [1300 m/4264 ft]: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation
Today after breakfast we start a guided tour to several of the most historical and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu. Some of these landmarks are considered World Heritage Sites; including the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupati Nath, the famous 'Monkey Temple' (Swayambhunath) and Buddhists shrine (Bouddhanath) which is one of the large Stupas in the world. At the noon, there will be a pre-trip discussion where we can meet our trek leader and other team members. Friendship World Treksbriefs us regarding our trek as well as provides us opportunity to ask any questions we may have regarding our upcoming adventure. Overnight at Kathmandu. Included meals:B

Day 03: Kathmandu - Lukla [2,800 m/9,184 ft] - Phakding (2,652 m/8,700 ft): 3 - 4 hrs
After breakfast, we will be escorted to the domestic terminal of Kathmandu airport for an early morning flight to Lukla (2,800m/9,186ft), a gateway destination from where our trek begins. After an adventurous 40 minute flight above the breathtaking green and white mountains, we reach the Tenzing-Hillary Airport at Lukla. This is one of the most beautiful air routes in the world culminating in a dramatic landing on a hillside surrounded by high mountains peaks. Upon arrival at Lukla, we meet our other crew members and after some packing and arrangements, we start our trek through the prosperous village of Lukla until we reach Phakding. To assist in acclimatization, we only have a short hike today. However, if interested in additional activities we can take a side trip to a nearby monastery. Overnight at Phakding. Included meals:BLD

Day 04: Phakding - Namche Bazaar [3,440 m/11,283 ft]: 5 - 6 hrs
Upon breakfast, we start our pleasant trek. The walk today will be delightful with few short uphill and downhill with multiple crossings over Dudh Koshi River and magnificent view of Mt. Thamserku (6,608m/21,675ft) from the Benkar village. We cross more bridges and reach entrance of Sagarmatha National Park at Monjo, where our trekking permits are checked in order to keep record of trekkers. A descend and a gradual walk brings us to Jorsale, the last village until Namche Bazaar. The walk is enjoyable through the river bed and we reach Hillary Suspension Bridge. As we climb up towards Namche Bazzar, magnificent sight of Kwangde Peak, Kusum peak, Kangaru peak, Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Tawache, and many other fabulous mountains greet us. We break at the Chautara to admire the view. Finally, we reach the colorful village of Namche Bazzar, the main gateway of Khumbu region. Overnight in Namche Bazzar. Included meals:BLD

Day 05: Namche Bazaar: Acclimatization Day
This is the first of the two days set aside for "acclimatization". Health experts recommend us to stay active and moving during the rest day too instead of being idle. We either spend the day taking a day's hike to Thame or visiting Khunde or relaxing and exploring Namche Bazaar itself. Namche Bazzar is the main centre of the Everest (Khumbu) region and has government offices, ATMs, Internet cafes, shops, restaurants, a bakery and a colorful market each Friday evening and Saturday. If we trek a few hundred vertical feet during the day, it will help us to properly acclimatize. Our guides take us to the Tourist Visitor Center near the headquarter of the Sagarmatha National Park where we can observe an assortment of things related to the first Everest ascenders, Sherpa culture and learn about the various plant and animal life of the Everest region. We also take an interesting side trip up to Khumjung and also climb up to famous airstrip at Syangboche. Just above the airstrip is the Everest View Hotel, a Japanese scheme to build a deluxe hotel with great views of the highest mountains on Earth. The Khumjung valley is surrounded by the snowy peaks of Kongde and Thamserku and the scared peak Khumbila, hosts a well known monastery that houses a yeti scalp. We also pay our visit to Hillary School which is located at the same site. After having lunch and spending some time in Khumjung, we walk back down to Namche Bazzar. Overnight in Namche Bazaar. Included meals:BLD

Day 06: Namche Bazzar - Phorse Village-[3810 m/ 12,496 ft]: 5 - 6 hrs
After breakfast in Namche, we start our trek enjoying superb view of Mt. Everest, Nuptse, Lhotse, Ama Dablam and close up view of Thamserku. Our trek follows on the gradual trail with few ups and downs overlooking magnificent view of the great Himalaya. Along the way, we can spot wild lives like pheasant, musk deer, or a herd of Himalayan Thar. The trail goes gradually down up to Kayangjuma. The path eventually reaches Sansa which is the major trail junction to Gokyo valley and Everest Base Camp. We trek gradual goes up through Mongla pass (3975 m) from where we glimpse Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Tawoche and Mt. Khumbila. Sherpas regard Mt. Khumbila as sacred mountain of the patron god of the Khumbu area. Descending to Dudhkosi Khola (3250 m), we cross a bridge and again trek up through the rhododendron forest, a host for Himalayan wild deer and musk deer. Finally, we arrive to the walled fields of Phorse. Phorse is just under the snow dusted peaks of Tawoche and Cholaste. From here, a short trek leads to Phorse village where we rest overnight. Included meals:BLD

Day 07: Phorse Village - Machhermo-[4,470 m/ 14,663 ft]: 5 - 6 hrs
We return back the last day's trail up to Phorse. Upon crossing the bridge on the Dudh Koshi rive, we spot wild lives like pheasants, mountain goats, and the elusive musk deer. Through forests, some waterfalls and bridges, we reach Dole; a small place with few teahouses. Further, we climb steadily up through a scenic ridge above Dole and the trail climbs via Lhabarma. Offering us good views of Cho Oyu, Kantega, and Thamserku the trail takes us through many summer settlements and a charming hamlet of Luza (4360 m). While ascending from Luza, we will be at the Dudh Koshi valley. Walking along the hill side above thundering Dudkoshi, passing through some small hamlets and through sandy spurs, we reach Machhermo. Machhermo is the last major settlement on the way up to Gokyo. The beautiful stream flowing down from the Kyajo Ri and Phari Lapche mountains runs through the middle of village before draining into the Dudh Koshi. It is the place where Khumbu people got first sighting of Yeti in 1974. We visit the Himalayan Rescue Hospital for a lecture regarding the altitude sickness, its precaution, and primary treatment. Overnight in Machhermo. Included meals:BLD

Day 08: Machharmo - Gokyo [4800 m/15,744 ft]: 5 - 6 hours
Today, we climb through a ridge Chorten from where we can see fabulous view of both down the valley and of the Mt. Kangtega, Thamserku, and northern part to the Cho-Oyu (8153m). Beyond the ridge the valley widens as the trail passes through a Chorten and reaches Pangka (4480m) after some gentle walk. Phangka is the palace where an avalanche in 1995 killed 40 people. We descend to the river bank before beginning to climb up to the terminal moraine of the Ngozamba Glacier. It is a steep climb on the moraine. Upon crossing an iron bridge over an stream, the trial levels out as it follows the valley past the first lake, known as Longpongo at 4690m. At this juncture, we get chance to observe the Lama footprints on a stone. At the sight of the second lake, Taboche Tsho we become mesmerized by the shimmering turquoise blue sheet of water sparkling in the sun. Little ahead of the second lake, we reach the third lake, the two linked by a surging stream. Gokyo village stands by the third lake and Cho-Oyu Mountain as a backdrop sets an amazing spectacular sight here. After lunch, we explore around the third Lakes, Dudh Pokhari. We spend night in a teahouse with comfortable bedrooms. Overnight at Gokyo. Included meals:BLD

Day 09: Gokyo Valley: Climb Gokyo Ri [5357 m/17,570 ft] and hike to fifth lakes: 5 - 6 hrs
Today is an acclimatization day but we know we should not stay idle. If the weather is good, we grasp the opportunity to climb Gokyo Ri today instead of next day to enjoy the scene from the best viewpoint of Everest Region. Or, as we know Gokyo is not only popular for its grand view but also for the six lakes which it hosts. Definitely we would not miss the chance to observe the fourth lake (Thonak Tsho) and fifth lake (Ngozuma Tsho). About 3 km north of Gokyo is the fourth lake with its high cliffs and peaks rising above it. The trail continues to fifth lake. If interested, we climb on a hill at the edge of the Lakes to get astounding views of Cho-Oyu, Gyachung Kang, Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and Makulu. We can see a lot more from here - the spot is called Scoundrel's Viewpoint. Beyond the fifth Lakes is the Cho Oyu Base Camp. Northern part of the fifth lake provides fabulous views of Cho-Oyu Base Camp and biggest glacier of the world- the Ngazumpa glacier. Moved by the charm, we may even try to go sixth lake too but depends upon our own interest and time. Back to Gokyo village. Overnight at Gokyo. Included meals:BLD

Day 10: Gokyo to Dole: 3 - 4 hrs
The way back from Gokyo is an easy downhill walk along the Dudh Koshi River that emerges out of the Ngozumpa Glacier. Passing by the second and then the first Gokyo Lakes, we come to a small gushing stream over an iron bridge. We see the hamlet of Phangka ahead. Cholatse and Taboche peaks rear up on the right of us. The trail descends below Phangka, and across a level terrace on the slope to climb a rib on the far side of the hill side. Upon reaching the Chorten at the edge, we see great views of Thamserku , Cho Oyu, and Kangtega. We slowly walk down to sprawling village of Machhermo. Again, through the charming hamlet of Luza and Lhafarma we reach Dole. Overnight at Dole. Included meals:BLD

Day 11: Dole - Namche: 4 - 5 hrs
Taking last inspection back to Cho Oyu range, we start steep descent to Phortse Tenga. Our hike today is mostly down hills. The most outstanding feature of the trail is the abundance of plant and animal vegetation including wildflowers and Rhododendrons. We might spot faunas like mountain goats, musk deers, pheasants, etc. Waterfalls are also today`s attraction. Upon reaching MongLa, we woll be greeted by a very wonderfully located lovely place perched on the spur of Mt. Khumbila. We take revised look at Taboche, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Kangtega, and a distant view of Tengboche. After a bit of long distance walk, we reach an intersection where the steep path up from Sanasa meets our trail. Now, trail to Namche clings to the steep wooded slope beyond Kyangjuma, winding through several bends. Upon coming to Namche army camp hill, we look back to see Lhotse, the tip of Everest and Tengboche for one last time. About a kilometer from here is Namche. We take hot shower and let rest our tired muscles at a comfortable lodge in Namche. Included meals:BLD

Day 12: Namche Bazaar - Lukla: 6 - 8 hrs
The trail descends steeply downward so we need to walk slowly as our shaky legs continuously battle the rocky terrain. After crossing the suspension bridges over the fast flowing Dudh Koshi and its tributaries, the trail becomes more level and natural. By today, we start to get warmed up by the light breeze. Any remaining sore throats and colds will be gone by today as we pass through this charming mountain air. Although we are travelling the same route down, we feel completely different views. We snap a mixture of open plains, rhododendron and pine forests, and in the distance snow covered peaks. We walk through the Sherpa villages' noticing impressive faith in Buddhism and culture of prayer stones and prayers flag. On arrival in Lukla, we stretch those sore legs and recall the experiences of the last couple of weeks. We experience the culmination of a fantastic trek on a happy note with everyone back safe and sound with smile! Overnight in Lukla. Included meals:BLD

Day 13: Fly back to Kathmandu
We fly back to Kathmandu after a long mountain journey. The early morning flight drops us in Kathmandu. After reaching Kathmandu we have the rest of the day off to rest or do some souvenir shopping. To celebrate the successful completion of our journey, we will have a farewell dinner. we can pick our meal from their carefully crafted menu that offer a wide range of choices. Overnight in Kathmandu. Included meals:BD

Day 14: Farewell Friend
The journey within the mountains of Nepal comes to an end today! There is nothing to do but we just trade emails to travel companions and organize our photos. If we have more time we can do some shopping or sightseeing. At last approximately 3 hours before our scheduled flight, a representative from  Everest Expeditions Nepal escorts us to the airport. On our way to home we will have plenty of time to plan our next adventure trip in the wonderful country of Nepal. Included meals:B

Important Note : 
Your safety is of paramount concern while traveling with Friendship World Treks. Please note that your leader has the authority to amend or cancel any part of the itinerary if it is deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Every effort will be made to keep to the above itinerary; however, since this adventure entails traveling in remote mountainous regions, we cannot guarantee that we will not deviate from it. Weather conditions, health conditions of a group member, unexpected natural disasters, etc., can all contribute to changes in the itinerary. The leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan, but please be prepared to be flexible if required.