
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mt.Annapurna I Expedition

Annapurna 8091m is the thirteen highest mountain in the world. Annapurna is a Sanskrit name which literally means “full of food” but is normally translated as Goddess of the Harvests. This mountain section is a 55 km-long massif bounded by the Kali Gandaki Gorge on the west, the Marshyangdi River on the north and east, and Pokhara Valley on the south. The four summits with the entire massif of Annapurna form the northern barrier of Pokhara Valley. The main summit stands to the west of the Annapurna Sanctuary. The other major peaks on the Annapurna range are Annapurna II (7937 m), Annapurna III (7555 m), Annapurna IV (7525 m), Gangapurna (7455 m) and Annapurna South (7219 m). 

The Annapurna peaks are among the world’s most dangerous mountains to climb. Annapurna 8091meter was first climbed by a French expedition 1950 lead by Maurice Harzog. 
The entire massif and surrounding area are protected within the 7,629 km2 Annapurna Conservation Area, the first and largest conservation area in Nepal.  

Day 01 : Arrive in Kathmandu (1320m)

Day 02- 03 : Expedition document application, Preparation, briefing for Expedition

Day 04 : Expedition prepration in kathmandu

Day 05 : Drive to Pokhara - Beni

Day 06 : Drive to Lete Lodge

Day 07 : Trek Late to Jungle Camp

Day 08 : Trek to Miristi Khola

Day 09 : Trek to Annapurna west to South

Day 10 - 44 : Climbing Period of Annapurna 1 (8091m)

Day 45 : Trek to Miristi Khola

Day 46 : Trek to Jungle Camp

Day 47 : Trek to Lete

Day 48 : Fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu

Day 49 : Rest and Shopping in Kathmandu

Day 50 : Final Departure

Mt.Annapurna III Expedition

Annapurna is a Sanskrit word which when broken down, would mean, “Sustenance” and “filled with”. So the name would translate into “The Goddess rich in Sustenance” or simply “The Provider”. It was first climbed by M. Herzog & L. Lachenal in 1950. The Annapurna Himal and the Lamjung Himal stretch from the Kali Gandaki in the west to the Marshyangdi in the east. Four summits make up Annapurna with the entire massif forming a barrier on the northern side of the Pokhara Valley in Nepal. 

The main summit stands to the west of the Annapurna Sanctuary. Little was known about the mountain until 1949 when Dr. A. Heim from the windows of a Dakora aircraft viewed Dhaulagiri and Annapurna . The aircraft could not fly high enough for proper observation or for photographs, still the next year, June 3rd 1950 , Annapurna was conquered. It was the first eight thousand to be climbed; the French accomplished this feat. However, all the routes on the mountain pose severe difficulties and hence it is probably why fewer climbers have reached the summit in comparison to other 8,000m peaks.

Day 01 :Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 :Document apply for Annapurna Expedition

Day 03 :Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 :Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar

Day 05 :Trek Besisahar to Ngadi

Day 06 :Trek Ngadi to Jagat

Day 07 :Trek Jagat to Tal

Day 08 :Trek Tal to Chame

Day 09 :Trek Chame to Pisang

Day 10 :Trek Pisang to Sabji Khola

Day 11 :Trek Sabji Khola to Annapurna III Base Camp

Day 12-29 :Climbing period for Mt. Annapurna III (7555m)

Day 30 :Trek Base Camp to Manang

Day 31 :Trek Manang to Thorang Phedi

Day 32 :Trek Thorang Phedi to Muktinath

Day 33 :Trek Muktinath to Jomsom

Day 34 :Trek Jomsom to Kalopani

Day 35 :Trek Kalopani to Tatopani

Day 36 :Trek Tatopani to Beni

Day 37 :Drive Beni to Pokhara

Day 38 :Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu

Day 39 :Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 40 :Departure to your next destination

Mt.Annapurna South Expedition

The expedition has led by driving to Pokhara, again a drive leads up to Dhampus then the trek hikes to Pothana, a forested hillsides of Gurung and Magar settlements through where the trekking route of altitude through the Rhododendron woodlands’, the views of Annapurna and mount Macchapuchre are amazing sceneries, along the way towards Modi river the greenery valleys nice views are abundant. On reaching Gandruk, Tadapani and Kopra pasture, the campsite remains right below the Macchapuchre and Annapurna south face. 

The trail goes tranquilly with the spectacular highland experiences there we set up the base camp for climbing to mount Annapurna south, after concluding the trek backs to Pokhara leads us via Gorepani and Poonhill where you can envisage on of the most famous panoramic views of mount Annapurna and Dhaulagiri range (in 1964 , mount Annapurna south was climbed by a Japanese expedition via north face, also Annapurna Dakshin was attempted by Italian team in 1988. the south face base camp is situated at 4000m and the advance base camp is on west bank of the glacier is a little  bit difficult gullies on all sides. The camp I is fixed at the 5000m, camp II is fixed at 5970m and camp iii is at 6400m high, the summit can be made from camp III. For climbing Annapurna south seems easy from north route of side ands the base camp will be at Annapurna sanctuary at 4300m.

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Annapurna South Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara

Day 05 : Drive from Pokhara to Suikhet and trek to Pothana

Day 06 : Trek Pothana to Gangdruk

Day 07 : Trek Gangdruk to Tadapani

Day 08 : Trek Tadapani to Dobato

Day 09 : Trek Dobato to Chistibung

Day 10 : Trek Chistibung to Khubra

Day 11 : Trek Khubra to Annapurna South Base Camp

Day 12-29 : Climbing period for Mt. Annapurna South(7819m)

Day 30 : Trek Base Camp to Shownta

Day 31 : Trek Shownta to Ghorepani

Day 32 : Trek Ghorepani to Birethanti

Day 33 : Drive from Birethanti to Pokhara

Day 34 : Rest day at Pokhara

Day 35 : Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu

Day 36 : Rest day at Kathmandu

Day 37 : Departure to your next destination

Mt.Api West Expedition

This is the most famous and the highest in western part of Nepal (7132m) in untouched and in remote area. Very few tourists and mountain climber have visited this region, a wild and beautiful mountain landscape full of exotic people beyond the country, rapid rivers and pristine forests in really remote are with virgin nature, off beaten path, mysterious culture panoramic mountain’s view of Nandadevi, Rajramba, Api himal. Kappa Chuli and many others. 

A lake is there called Kalidhunga in 2 hours from the base camp, in this area this is regarded as a holy lake, deep in the heart of the Himalayas, nestled between the sweltering Indian subcontinent and the frozen plains of the Tibetan plateau, Humla lays hidden in the far north west corner of the Nepal, shadows of the towering mount Saipal range, sacred Takh and Changla Himal extends, over this barren forgotten basin of the mighty Karnali river. 

It is the Shangri-La of extreme geographical conditions with the elevation fluctuating between 1524m to 7337m and an approximate population of 45000 of local people. The natives still speak on archaic dialect of Tibetan and Nepali languages. It is pleasant in Humla in summer better than freezing cold winter, leaving the region isolated and mostly snowbound.

Day 01 :Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 :Document apply for Api West Expedition

Day 03 :Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 :Drive from Kathmandu to Mahendranagar

Day 05 :Drive from Mahendranagar to Gokuleshwor

Day 06 :Trek Gokuleshwor to Karkale

Day 07 :Trek Karkale to Chiureni

Day 08 :Trek Chiureni to Makarighat

Day 09 :Trek Makarighat to Seti

Day 10 :Trek Seti to Lawathi

Day 11 :Trek Lawathi to Simar

Day 12 :Rest day at Simar for acclimatization

Day 13 :Trek Dhawalidwar to Api Himal Base Camp

Day 14 :Rest day at Base Camp for acclimatization

Day 15-35 :Climbing period for Mt. Api West (7100m)

Day 36 :Trek Api Himal Base to Simar

Day 37 :Trek Simar to Lawathi

Day 38 :Trek Lawathi to Seti

Day 39 :Trek Seti to Makarighat

Day 40 :Trek Makarighat to Chiureni

Day 41 :Trek Chiureni to Karkale

Day 42 :Trek Karkale to Gokuleshwor and drive to Nepalgunj

Day 43 :Flight from Nepalgunj to Kathmandu

Day 44 :Rest day at Kathmandu

Day 45 :Departure to your next destination

Mt.Churen Himal Expedition

Ranging in the mount Dhaulagiri among the 7th series of the highest mountains Mt. Churen is one of them situated. The three pinnacles are called Churen west of 7371m, central of 7375m, and north in central which is recommended to be the major one. The route doest\not differ at to get here as there are usual buses from Katmandu to Pokhara, Baglung and Beni. Taking porters from Beni we reach the same camp in 5 days via Gurung and other mixed tribal villages on the way. 

When reaching Burjung Kharka after a steep walk following the way of Darsing Kharka to establish the tents for spending the night over. We reach the base camp after following 4 hours walk of the river side of Kape Khola. Basing the base camp at 4800m high, climbing to the Churen himal high camps are easy to visible Mt. Dhaulagiri situated in the east whereas the Purna Himal is in the west. The south west ridge is the best route to climb the mountain with favorable season during September to October and later in spring March to May.

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Churen Himal Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Beni

Day 05 : Trek Beni to Darbang

Day 06 : Trek Darbang to Mattim

Day 07 : Trek Mattim to Lamsang

Day 08 : Trek Lamsang to Gurgoan

Day 09 : Trek Gurjagoan to Darsinge Khark

Day 10 : Trek Darsinge Khark to Burjunga Khark

Day 11 : Trek Burjunga Khark to Churen Himal Base Camp

Day 12-29 : Climbing Period Churen Himal (7371m)

Day 30 : Trek Churen Himal BC to Burjunga Khark

Day 31 : Trek Burjunga Khark to Gurjagoan

Day 32 : Trek Gurjagoan to Lulang village

Day 33 : Trek Lulang to Takum

Day 34 : Trek Takum to Darbang

Day 35 : Trek Darbang to Beni

Day 36 : Drive from Beni to Kathmandu

Day 37 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 38 : Departure to your next destination

Mt.Dorje Lhakpa Expedition

Several technical peaks offer different excitements and employment, among them Dorje lakpa is one in Nepal Himalayan achievement which is situated at mass of Jugal Himal lies to the east of langtang valley and south of Shishapangma (Tibet). The normal route for this peak is mentioned here below. Using own good touchiness in icefall and crevasse we proceed to fix the ropes in needed places which help us to reach the destination, basically two camps should hold one at the height of 5400m where we stay and at an altitude of 6100m, it doesn’t exceed 40 and can be observed from the base camp, so far the weather is concerned during the climb we should establish a safety camp between the summit and the camp 2. After conquering the summit we destroy the camps and return back the same way and back to Kathmandu

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Dorje Lhakpa Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Day 05 : Trek Syabru Bensi to Rimche

Day 06 : Trek Rimche to Langtang

Day 07 : Trek Langtang to Kyangin Gompa

Day 08 : Rest days at Kyangin Gompa for acclimatization

Day 09 : Trek Kyangin Gompa to Langshisha

Day 10 : Trek Langshisha to Base Camp

Day 11-28 : Climbing period for Mt. Dorje Lhakpa (6966m)

Day 29 : Trek Base Camp to Kyangin Gompa

Day 30 : Trek Kyangin Gompa to Rimche

Day 31 : Trek Rimche to Syabrubensi

Day 32 : Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu

Day 33 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 34 : Departure to your next destination

Mt.Ganesh Himal Expedition

Among the Himalayan mountain range in Nepal, Mountain Ganesh himal is subordinate range lies between the Budhi Gandaki & Trishuli valleys, towards the north-west range of Langtang himal. The territory of Tibet has some peaks of Ganesh himal. The vertically located over the valleys, the peaks are without the height of 7429m; there are Ganesh I and Ganesh II. The higher one is Ganesh I 7249m that’s called Yangra, the peak was first attempted by H.W Tilman’s team back in 1950, but the first ascent was made in 1955 by Franco-Swiss expedition team via south east face and ridge. Between Nepal and Tibet it lies and in south west of mount Mansalu. The Ganesh himal is an enormous mountain massif assembled with nine towering peaks; its icy pinnacle is visible in the north from Kathmandu as well. It was name in the honor of Lord Ganesh, a Hindu deity who is presented in mythology as having the head of elephant ant the rest of human body. Driving to the gateway of manaslu trekking circuit Arughat and continue to Seti khola, Fillim Domje and then to Ganesh Himal base camp can be reached for starting the trekking route till to Ganesh himal base camp, we drive from Kathmandu.

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Ganesh Himal Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Day 05 : Trek Syabrubesi to Paragoan

Day 06 : Trek Paragoan to Garthali

Day 07 : Trek Garthali to Kalo Tuppa

Day 08 : Trek Kalo Tuppa to Thangjung Kharka

Day 09 : Trek Thangjung Kharka to Sanjung Kharka

Day 10 : Trek Sanjung Kharka to Ganesh Himal Base camp

Day 11-26 : Climbing period for Ganesh Himal (7429m)

Day 27 : After summit trek back to Base Camp

Day 28 : Trek Base Camp to Thangjung Kharka

Day 29 : Trek Thangjung Kharka to Garthali

Day 30 : Trek Garthali to Chilime

Day 31 : Trek Chilime to Syabrubensi

Day 32 : Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu

Day 33 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 34 : Departure to your next destination

Mt.Himlung Himal Expedition

Bordering to Tibet I the most remote corner of Nepal, in the Mansalu region and Manag of Nar- phu valley Mount Himlung himal is regarded the real forbidden peak. Himalung himal is recently opened peaks for climbing, since opening day Mountaineering to Himlung has been unexpectedly increasing. This himal lies at Peri Himal range in the Manang region. This expedition leads to the remote village area of Nepal where few tourists have visited this region and to the tibet border. This area is a very remote area with Virgin Nature, off beaten path, Mysterious culture and panoramic Mountain View of Nandadevi, Rajramba, Api Himal, Kappa Chuli Peak and many more. There is also a lake called kalidhunga, which is about 2 hrs by walking from base camp. There are three high camps to reach the summit i.e camp 1 at the height of 5450m, camp 2 at 6000m and camp 3 at 6350m. Himlung Himal isn’t of particularly difficult it is a very beautiful course of alpinism in altitude from its Base Camp to the summit.

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu transfer to Hotel

Day 2: Official formalities for Himlung expedition permit

Day 3: Preparation for the Himlung Expedition in Kathmandu

Day 4: Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar

Day 5: Trek Besisahar to Ngadi

Day 6: Trek Ngadi to Jagat

Day 7: Trek Jagat to Dharapani

Day 8: Trek Dharapani to Koto

Day 9: Trek Koto to Daramsala

Day 10: Trek Daramsala to Phu Khola

Day 11: Trek Phu Khola to Phugaun

Day 12: Trek Phugaun to Mount Himlung Base camp

Day 13-27: Climbing Period for Mount Himlung Himal Expedition 7,126m
Day 27: After summit trek back to Himlung Base Camp.

Day 28: Trek Himlung Base Camp to Phugaun Day

Day 29: Trek Phu Khola to Dharmasal.

Day 30: Trek Daramsala to Koto

Day 31: Trek Koto to Dharapani

Day 32: Trek Dharapani to Jagat

Day 33: Trek Jagat to Nadi

Day 34: Trek Ngadi to Besisahar

Day 35: Drive from Besisahar to Kathmandu

Day 36: Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 37: Departure to your next destination

Mt.Kumbhakarna Expedition

The larkya sub range of the Nepalese Himalayas has born a highest peak kanggaru in the manag region of gandaki zone the banned area of Nur-phu valley. In the north – east side of mount manaslu and mount thuagi and south- west of the mount Annapurna range, the mount larkya is existed. Causing to mountaineering accidents it is the most famous for one of the worst avalanche occurred by several hours of heavy snowfall on October 20, 2005, plowed into a French expedition’s base camp, sweeping away all seven members of the French team as well as Nepalese staff down a steep avalanche forge, killed them all. The avalanche occurred in the Late afternoon after tea time and all those were killed inside their tents, some porters who were outside the tents they managed to survive, they made their way to the nearest village where the French Israeli expedition team was planning to climb Ratna Chuli a nearby mountain, due to continuous of poor snowfall condition the expedition team left their climb and immediately informed the French embassy in Kathmandu, only one body was found in initial attempts and later in mid November, the avalanche searching specialists from France only found two more bodies (a French man climber and a Nepalese porter).

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Kang Guru Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar

Day 05 : Trek Besisahar to Ngadi

Day 06 : Trek Ngadi to Jagat

Day 07 : Trek Jagat to Dharapani

Day 08 : Trek Dharapani to Koto

Day 09 : Trek Koto to Daramsala

Day 10 : Trek Daramsala to Kang Guru Base camp

Day 11-26 : Climbing Period of Kang Guru (6981m)

Day 27 : After summit trek back to Base Camp

Day 28 : Trek Base Camp to Koto

Day 29 : Trek Koto to Tal

Day 30 : Trek Tal to Ngadi

Day 31 : Trek Ngadi to Besisahar

Day 32 : Drive from Besisahar to Kathmandu

Day 33 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 34 : Departure to your next destination

Mt.Putha Hiunchuli Expedition

By a British team in 1954 it was climbed with the first ascent and in 2007 may 23 by a Swiss team conquered over it. The route follows from Kathmandu-Nepalgunj-Dolpo (Juphal) by flight and trek to Dunai, Tarakot, Musikhola, Kakkot, Yak Kharka and base camp of Putha Hiunchuli. It is gradual up from base camp to camp 1 moraine, put up cairns for path as it is little difficult to find it, normally cut up CI at the beginning of Glacier, From C1 to C2, it is possible use Ski and not many crevasses, route quite clear, on rock band is the usual camp set up.

Most climbing group leave early in the morning at about 4 am on summit day from 5700m, the weather should be clear, climbing route is long enough from the camp, there seems only false summit from the route. Base Camp 4800m,Camp I 5300m, CampII 6700m and make summit from Camp 2

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel

Day 02 : Document apply for Putha Huinchuli Expedition

Day 03 : Preparation for expedition in Kathmandu

Day 04 : Drive from Kathmandu to Beni

Day 05 : Trek Beni to Darbang

Day 06 : Trek Darbang to Takum

Day 07 : Trek Takum to Lamsang

Day 08 : Trek Lamsang to Gurgoan

Day 09 : Trek Gurjagoan to Darsinge Khark

Day 10 : Trek Darsinge Khark to Burjunga Khark

Day 11 : Burjunga Khark to Putha Hiuchuli Base Camp

Day 12-32 : Climbing period of Mt. Putha Hiuchuli (7246m)

Day 33 : Trek Puth Hiuchuli Base camp to Burjunga Khark

Day 34 : Trek Burjunga Khark to Gurjagoan

Day 35 : Trek Gurjagoan to Lulang village

Day 36 : Trek Lulang to Takum

Day 37 : Trek Takum to Darbang

Day 38 : Trek Darbang to Beni

Day 39 : Drive from Beni to Kathmandu

Day 40 : Rest Day at Kathmandu

Day 41 : Departure to your next destination

Mount GyajiKang Expedition

Towards the north-east part of Manang this mountain lies in Peri Himal in remote Tibetan setting villages Mar and Phu near to Nepal and Tibetan border, the expedition takes  you through there for the approach to the base camp, we usually follow the popular Annapurna circuit trekking route from Besi-Sahar to Koto and then proceed trekking route to Nar & Phu. A very rare of the climbers’ team have climbed this peak.

Particularly Gyajing Kang lies in the Manag district of narphu valley, along the Marsgyangdi river and besisahar the most direct route from Kathmandu to Narphu Gyajing Kang ca be driven. Travelers trek through the Himayan foothills and around the eastern end of the Annapurna region before they arrive to the Qupara. The manang’s administrative centre of Manang district is right half an hour before Chame.

Day 01 : Arrival at Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel for overnight

Day 02 : Resting and some Preparation of Expedition

Day 03 : Expedition in Nepal briefing in Tourism Ministry in Nepal by an experts

Day 04 : Drive from  Kathmandu  to Besisahar & Chamche

Day 05 : Trek from Chamche  to Bagarchap

Day 06 : Trek from Bagarchap to  Koto

Day 07 : Trek from  Koto to  Daramsala

Day 08 : Trek from Daramsala to Phu Khola

Day 09 : Trek from Phu Khola to Gyajinkhan Base camp

Day 10-25 : Climbing Period for Mount Gyajing Khang
Day 26 : Resiting Day at Base Camp

Day 27 : Trek from Base Camp to Daramsala

Day 28 : Trek from Daramsala to  Dharapani

Day 29 : Trek from Dharapani to Chamche

Day 30 : Drive from  Chamche to  Besisahar and to Kathmandu

Day 31 : Resting Day at Kathmandu

Day 32 : Final Departure to your next destination.

Mount Saribung (6346M)

Mount Saribung(6346m), beaten track and difficult pass  which has three ascents and the last one was made by our reconnaissance team in 2006. Saribung is located in remote parts of Mustang region of Damodar Himal, close to the border of China (Tibet). The trails are rugged, cutting high into cliff sides, and pass villages that have changed little over the centuries. The trek start from Mustang and then ascend to Saribung pass and enter in the Naar phu “Hidden Valley” and return to Jomsom; from where we can fly to Pokhara and then on back to Kathmandu

Day 1: Arrive in airport /transfer to hotel. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 2: sightseeing heritageside / Overnight at Hotel.

Day 3: Kathmandu –tourist bus to Besi sahar

Day 4:. Besi sahar to Ngadi

Day 5: Ngadi to Dharapani

Day 6: Dharapani to Meta

Day 7: Meta to Phu

Day 8: Phu rest for visit nar village

Day 9:.Phu- Nogaru

Day 10:.Norgaru to Base camp

Day 11:. Climb to the summit of Saribung Peak, then return back to Base Camp

Day 12:.Base camp to pass sarbung pass.

Day 13:.Sarbung pass to sarbung phedi (5240m.)

Day 14:.Sarbung phedi to Namta Khola

Day 15:.Namta khola to Gunma thanti

Day 16:.Guma thanti to Luri Gumpa

Day 17:.Luri Gumpa to Dhi gaon (3360m

Day 18:.Dhi gaun to Lomangthnag

Day 19:.Lo-manthang to Rest for explore (3750m)

Day 20:.Lo-manthang to Tesang(3560m.)

Day 21:.Tsarang to Chele (3050m.)

Day 22:.Chele to Out from upper mustang / over night Jomsom

Day 23:.Jomsom to flight to Pokhara or continue hiking kaligandaki valley

Day 24:.jomsom to kalapani

Day 25:.kalapani to tatopani

Day 26:.Tatopani to by jeep to kathmandu

Nagadi Chuli or Peak 29 is among the rarely climbed mountains destination in Nepal despite being in the lists of top 20 highest peaks in Nepal. A group of Japanese expedition team is assumed to make it to the summit before getting to an accident losing the life of all teams.  Nagadi Chuli is situated between Manaslu to the north and Himalchuli to the south at an elevation of 7,871 meter which make it ideal for the alpinists.

Upon arrival on Kathmandu our company Everest Expeditions Nepal will arrange all your necessities during your stay including paper work and permits as per Nepal Government act and other climbing equipment’s as per client’s demand. Our trained climbing guides and other field crew members will assist you during your whole journey. Trekking for approximately 10 to 11 days we reach Ngadi Chuli Base Camp located in the remote area of Nepal from where we start climbing. Climbing period for the Nagdi Chuli is estimated 22 days if the weather is favorable.

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu airport
Day 02 : Preparation and Briefing for Departure to Everest Region
Day 03 : Drive to Arughat (570m), 8-9 hrs
Day 04 : Trek to Soti Khola (730m), 5-6 hrs
Day 05 : Trek to Machha Khola (930m), 6-7 hrs
Day 06 : Trek to Jagat (1410m), 7-8 hrs
Day 07 : Trek to Dyang (1850m), 5-6 hrs
Day 08 : Trek to Ghap (2160m), 4-5 hrs
Day 09 : Trek to Lho 5-6 hrs
Day 10-11: Approach to Base Camp
Day 12-34 : Climbing period for Ngadi Chuli 7871m
Day 35 : Base camp cleaning program
Day 36: Trek to Samde (3780m)
Day 37 : Trek to Dharmasala (4470m), 4-5 hrs
Day 38 : Trek and pass larkey La Pass (5213m), trek down to Bhimtang (3720m), 9-10 hrs
Day 39 : Trek to Tilje (2300m), 5-6 hrs
Day 40 : Trek to Taal (1725m), 5-6 hrs
Day 41 : Trek to Baundanda (1310m), 6-7 hrs
Day 42 : Trek to Beshisahar (760m), 4-5 hrs
Day 43 : Drive back to Kathmandu by bus, 5-6 hrs
Day 44 : Shopping, sightseeing or rest day in Kathmandu
Day 45 : Transfer to International Airport to fly back to home country

Mt. Lhotse Expedition

Mt. Lhotse Expedition (8516m):

Elevation: 8,516m (27,940ft)
Location: Nepal/Tibet border
Coordinates: 27°57′42″ N 86°56′00″ E
First Ascent: Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger (Swiss), May 18, 1956
Climbing Season:Late spring
Expedition duration:44 days (typically)
Climbing duration:27 days (typically)
Group Size:01-15 person per Group if more we splits group.

About Lhotse:
Mt. Lhotse better known as “south peak” and part of the Everest massif is the fourth highest mountain peak in the earth with an altitude of 8516m. Lhotse has 3 summits, main summit at 8,516m, Lhotse Middle (East) at 8,414m   and Lhotse Shar at 8,383m.  Lhotse is best known for its proximity to Mt. Everest and the fact that climbers ascending the standard route on that peak spend some time on its northwest face. It is the smallest prominence, only 610m, of all 8000m peaks. Lhotse is however famous for its tremendous and dramatic south face. The south face of Lhotse raises 3.2km within 2.25km horizontal distance making it the steepest face of this size in the world. It is extremely difficult climb and rarely attempted. The South Face of Lhotse is one of the largest mountain faces in the world.

The primary route on Mt. Lhotse is via Everest's South Col. but by 1955, despite the activity on Mt. Everest, Lhotse was the highest unclimbed peak in the world.  It was first climbed by the Swiss duo of F. Luchsinger and E.Reiss in 1956 on the West Face. The South Face of Mt. Lhotse though attempted many times was successfully climbed only in 1984 by a Czech. On May 12, 1979 Lhotse Shar summit was reached and the middle summit was climbed only on May 23, 2001.

Mt. Lhotse Expeditions:
In the Expedition of Mt. Lhotse, Lhotse Base Camp is located beside the Khumbu Glacier, same asEverest Base Camp. The section during the climb which has been unanimously declared the most dangerous is the Khumbu Icefall. This beautiful massif also holds immense promise as it is little developed and offers fascinating opportunities.

Mt. Lhotse Face and Route:

The commercial route is from its north side via Khumbu icefall sharing its length with Everest south route. The south face is one of the most impressive walls in Himalayas. The first expedition from the south side was Yuogo Slavian leading by A.Kunaver. They selected the left side of the wall but they manage to only get to 8100 meters. Three police expedition tried to climb through the left wall in 1985, 1987 and 1989, the highest point they reach was 8300 meters. 

The western flank of Lhotse is known as the Lhotse Face. Any climber bound for the South Col on Everest must climb this 1,125m wall of glacial blue ice. This face rises at 40 and 50 degree pitches with the occasional 80 degree bulges. Two rocky sections called the Yellow Band and the Geneva Spur interrupt the icy ascent on the upper part of the face.

The south face was finally climbed in 1990 by Russian expedition few months after Cesen's climb. They describe the wall as impossible to be climbed by a single person.

 Mt. Lhotse Expedition Base Camp Service:

Everest Expeditions Nepal provides very professional, helpful and friendly service from Kathmandu to the ABC and during the climb. Our objective is to provide a good quality, helpful, safe, friendly, stress free and comprehensive service to maximize summit opportunity.

Our cooks and helpers will prepare and serve three delicious freshly cooked and plentiful meals a day and will ensure that hot and cold drinks are available 24hrs a day.

We provide spacious expedition quality personal tents for all our clients both with full board and base-camp service. In the base camp we also provide dining tent, kitchen tent, toilet facilities and portable shower facilities and tent accommodation for our staff.

We provide access to communication including satellite telephone and internet access, solar panels to charge your batteries and UHF/VHF hand held radios on the mountain to maintain communications between ABC and high camps.

Our Leader and camp manager as well as climbing Sherpas have an extensive experience of multiple climbs to 8000m peaks. They will ensure cooperation with other companies and Base Camp organization. The Base Camp is a cooperative to ensure contribution from all operators to the task of route fixing to ensure the safety of climbers from ABC to the summit.

Lhotse Expedition Full Board Service:

We provide personal tent and food with the climbing Sherpa, who will prepare appropriate meals. If we have 7 clients in the expedition we also will provide a cook for the group and intermediate facility at camp 2 (6750m); this will include personal tents for full board clients, kitchen and dining tents and the toilet facility. We provide meals while our clients are in camp 2.

We provide a personal climbing Sherpa guide to help the clients to reach the summit. Personal climbing Sherpa will set up camp 3 and camp 4 including food provisions, fuel and oxygen and will guide and assist the client on the summit day. We provide the climbing Sherpa with appropriate radio communication to Camp 2 and Base Camp from Camp 3, 4 and the climbing route.

Climbing Routes:
Lhotse commercial route via Khumbu icefall and Northwest councilors:

The route is technically a strenuous trekking route with a little objective danger once past the Khumbu icefall, apart of few crevasses and seracs bridged by ladders, couple short ice cliffs around camp 3 and rock sections protected with fixed lines. There is an obvious danger of high altitude sickness complications and changeable, unpredictable mountain weather.

The Khumbu Icefall is a steep glacier with obvious implication of large crevasses and treacherous unstable seracs making navigation complicated and riddled with high objective danger of falling ice. This is the most dangerous part of the climb. At the beginning of the climbing period, climbing Sherpa set the route through the icefall installing ladders across crevasses and along vertical seracs ice walls for efficient and easy climbing. These arrangements make climb of the Khumbu ice fall possible, efficient and relatively safe especially early morning before the sunrise, when the ice structure is well frozen. Khumbu ice fall is very dangerous in the afternoon due to its western aspect.

Camp 1 (6065m) is located on the top of Khumbu icefall; it is a desolate and exposed place mainly used as rest and transition location on the way to camp 2 (6750m). The glacier between camp 1 and 2 flattens but there are still large crevasses close to camp 1, which are also fixed with ladders.

Camp 2 is located in a lateral moraine at the bottom of west ridge. It is a very safe and sheltered location with tremendous views on Lhotse. All companies set-up their main climbing camp for the duration of climbing period with tents for individual climbers, the kitchen and dining tents. Camp 2 is main acclimatization camp and the base for camp 3 acclimatization climb and the final summit attempt.

Camp 3 (7100m) is located on small ledge on the Lhotse wall. One has to cross the glacier to the right side before 40deg 600m climb on the compact snow field. The route is safe with couple of short less then 3m ice cliffs, which climbing Sherpas set up with fixed ropes.

Camp 4 (7920m) located near South Col is the last camp; it is easily accessible by majority of climbers without supplementary oxygen. There are two rock sections to navigate before camp 4: Yellow Bands, interlayer marble, phyllite and semi-schist rocks and Geneva Spur, an anvil shaped rib of black rocks; they are again set-up with fixed ropes.

From camp 4 the route enters 500m couloirs about 40deg along a mix of pack snow, ice and some rock.

Lhotse Expedition Spring 2016 Itinerary

06Apr/Day 01:Arrival in Kathmandu Airport and transfer to Hotel (1350m)
07Apr/Day 02:Rest and prepare day for assignment & briefing.
08Apr/Day 03:Fly from Kathmandu to Lukla(2840m) and trek to Phakding (approx 4hrs walk)
09Apr/Day 04:Trek from Phakding to Namche Bazaar(3440m approx 7hrs walk )
10Apr/Day 05:Weak up early in the morning at 5 o'clock. You may walk to Everest view Hotel (3800m approx 2 hrs) and visit to Hilary museum and Sherpa museum and over night at Namche Bazar
11Apr/Day 06:Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tyangboche(3860m approx 5 hrs walk)
12Apr/Day 07:Trek from Tyangboche to Pheriche / dingboche (4250m approx 5 hrs walk)
13Apr/Day 08:Trek from Pheriche / dingboche to Lobuche (5018m approx 4hrs walk)
14Apr/Day 09:Lobuche rest day for acclimatization
16Apr/Day 10:Trek from Lobuche to Gorakshep (5170m approx 3 hrs walk) and rest
17Apr/Day 11:Trek from Gorakshep to Lhotse Base camp (5200m) which takes about two hours.
18Apr/Day 12-51:Climbing period (summit period for Lhotse)
27May/Day 52:Trek from Base Camp (5218)to Dingboche(4260m approx 4hrs walk)
28May/Day 53:Trek from Dingboche to Tengboche (3860M approx 4 hrs walk)
29May/Day 54:Trek from Tengboche to Namche Bazaar(3440m approx 4hrs walk)
30May/Day 55:Trek from Namche Bazaar to Lukla(2840m approx 7hrs walk)
31May/Day 56:Fly from Lukla to Kathmandu Transfer to hotel
01Jun/Day 57:Full Day sightseeing of Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swoyambhunath, Boudhanath & Pashupatinath and Nepalese cultural program with farewell dinner in the evening
02Jun/Day 58:Final departure, alternatively, join other activitie

Mt. Nuptse Expedition

Mt. Nuptse, being as the huge wall guard the approach to Everest and joined to Lhotse it appears from Tyangboche, Mount Nuptse 7855m is the neighboring peak of Mount Everest sharing the glory of the Everest massif and is the southern border of the western from Tyangboche, its steep west face drops down more than 2400m to the Khumbu ice-glacier. The one of the interesting features of this mountain is that its south face is 2500m high and 5 km wide, it was climbed in 1961 as recorded.

Day 01 : Arrive in Kathmandu transfer hotel

Day 02 : Some preparation for the expedition

Day 03 : Briefing about expedition in Ministry of tourism by an experts

Day 04 : Flight to Lukla & trek to Phakding lodge

Day 05 : Trek Phakding to Namche lodge

Day 06 : Resting day on Namche for acclimatization overnight at lodge

Day 07 : Trek  Namche to Thyanboche and overnight at  lodge

Day 08 : Trek Thyangboche to  Pheriche and overnight at lodge

Day 09 : Trek  Pheriche to Lobuche and overnight at  lodge

Day 10 : Trek  Lobuche to  Nuptse Base Camp - Overnight Camping

Day 11-32 : Climbing period for Nupte expedition

Day 33 : Base camp cleaning

Day 34 : Trek  Base camp to Pheriche

Day 35 : Trek Pheriche to Thyangboche

Day 36 : Trek Thyanboche to jorsalle

Day 37 : Trek Jorsale to Lukla

Day 38 : Fly Lukla to Kathmandu

Day 39 : Resting Day at Kathmandu

Day 40 : Final departure to your next destination

Mt. Kanchenjunga Expedition

Mt. Kanchenjunga Expedition (8,586m)

The second highest Himalaya peak of Nepal and third after Mt. Everest and Mt. K2 in the world, Mt. Kanchenjunga (8586m) is located in the eastern part of Nepal. The name “Kanchenjunga” is delivered from the Tibetan word  'Kanchen' and 'Dzonga'  translated means "The Five Treasures of the Great Snows", as it contains five peaks, Kanchenjunga I (8586m), Kanchenjunga West (8505m), Kanchenjunga South (8494m) and Kangbachen (7903m).  The treasures represent the five repositories of God, which aregold, silver, gems, grain, and holy books. 

Kanchenjunga is located on the border between Nepal and Sikkim and it is very remote attracting relatively few trekkers and therefore it retains much of its pristine beauty, mystery and charm. Mt. Kanchenjunga due to its beauty and size is considered a sacred by local Sikkimese people. With 4 ridges radiating in X pattern almost symmetrically from the main summit aesthetically Kanchenjunga is a beautiful mountains visible from many places with a famous view from Tiger Hill in Darjeeling, India.

Three of the five peaks (main, central, and south) in Kanchenjunga are on the border of North Sikkim district of Sikkim, India and Taplejung District of Nepal, while the other two are completely in Taplejung District. Nepal is home to the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project run by the World Wildlife Fund in association with Government of Nepal. The sanctuary is home to the Red Panda and other montage animals, birds and plants. India's side of Kanchenjunga also has a protected park area called the Khangchendzonga National Park.

Kanchenjunga was assumed to be the highest mountain in the world until 1852, and only after the British Great Trigonometric Survey in 1849 Mt. Everest (known as Peak XV at the time) was crowned the highest and Kanchenjunga the third-highest. Kanchenjunga was first climbed on May 25, 1955 by Joe Brown and George Band, of a British expedition team. As a respect to the beliefs of the Sikkimese, who hold the summit sacred, they stopping a few feet short of the actual summit and this has developed to a tradition followed by successful summit parties since then. Kanchenjunga is called Sewalungma in the local Limbu language, translates as 'Mountain that we offer Greetings to'. Kanchenjunga or Sewalungma is considered sacred in the Kirant religion.

Kanchenjunga Expedition is an enormous mountain mass, and many satellite peaks rise from its narrow icy ridges. The Expedition is the most easterly of the great 8,000 meter peaks of the Himalaya. The climb is technical, even along the normal route but it is extremely interesting to climb with technical and intricate mixed rock and ice climb to the North Col followed by a not too technical steady 1500m ascent to the summit. The section past North Col in Kanchenjunga Expedition is exposed to the weather. The views are stunning both from the Base Camp as well as during entire climb of this Climbing Higher Peak.

In the Kanchenjunga Expedition, the west summit, Yalung Kang, is 8420m high and some people classify it as a separate 8000m peak. Three first Westerner to explore Kanchenjunga was the British botanist JD Hooker, who visited the area twice in 1848 and 1849. Exploration of the Skim, side of the peak continued with both British and pundit explorers mapping and photographing until 1899 in Kanchenjunga. In that year a party led by Douglas fresh field made a circuit of Kanchenjunga and produced what is still one of the most authoritative maps of the region. The Japanese now took up the challenge and mounted expeditions in 1973, 1974 and 1976 during which they climbed Yalung Kang. A German Expeditionclimbed Yalung Kang in 1975, and in 1977 an Indian army team mounted the second successful expedition to the main peak of Kanchenjunga.

Climbing Route:
The access trek from Suketar to the Base camp is also interesting due to its remoteness, the cultures inhibiting the area and a very rare endemic flora with 30 varieties of rhododendrons and 69 varieties of orchids. In Kanchenjunga Expedition the North Face route is definitely the safest, although not the easiest. Climb of Kanchenjunga begin from a charming base camp in the meadows of Panorama at 5,180 m. First challenge is to fix lines up 900 m of intricate mixed climbing to the North col. This provides the most challenging climbing of the expedition. Once creating a lifeline to and from the North Col you can begin the long process of establishing three camps up the long and complicated North ridge. Using Sherpa support and oxygen, you can move at a systematically slow velocity higher and higher up the mountain. This is a highly satisfying climb for the expert Climbers.
Kanchenjunga Expedition Base Camp Service:

Everest Expeditions Nepal provides very professional, supportive and friendly mountaineering logistic services from Kathmandu to the ABC as well as during the climb. Our objective is to ensure a good quality, supportive, safe, friendly, stress free and comprehensive service to maximize summit opportunity.

We provide a comprehensive service organizing all necessary permits, and climbing documentation, travelling logistics including airfares, ground transportation, porters, and other individual services required by mountaineers. On the track to the ABC we organize logistics for provision of all required accommodation and food.

In the Base camp our cook and helpers will prepare and serve three delicious freshly cooked and plentiful meals a day and will ensure that hot and cold drinks are available 24hrs a day.

In the Base Camp we provide spacious expedition quality personal tents for all our clients both with full board or base-camp service only.

In the base camp we also provide dining tent, kitchen tent, toilet facilities and portable shower facilities and tent accommodation for our staff. We also have a comprehensive First Aid Kit available to our clients.

In the Base Camp we provide access to communication including satellite telephone and internet access, and solar panels to charge your batteries

Kanchenjunga Expedition Full Board Service:

For full board clients we provide personal tent and food, which will be prepared in high camps by their climbing Sherpa. We provide UHF/VHF hand held radios on the mountain to maintain communications between ABC and high camps. 

Full board with us means a provision of a personal climbing Sherpa to each individual climber, who will help the clients to reach the summit. Personal climbing Sherpa will set up camp 1, camp 2 and camp 3 and required bivvy including food provisions, fuel and oxygen and will guide and assist the client on the summit day. There are no commercial expeditions on Kanchenjunga so your climbing Sherpa with cooperation of other clients climbing Sherpas will set-up fixed ropes to North Col.

Approaches to ABC:
There are two Base Camps to climb Kanchenjunga, Kanchenjunga North Base Camp on Kanchenjunga Glacier and South Base Camp on Yalung Glacier. The access to both camps is from Suketar (2400m), the town with closest airport to the mountain with flights to Kathmandu. Suketar is also last town accessible from Kathmandu by the road. The route from North Base Camp via the North Col is the Normal route. It is not the easiest by it is the safest route with least objective danger.

Kanchenjunga is the most remote of all 8000m peaks in Nepal, and the trek to the North Base camp from Suketar takes about 11 days along Ghunsa Khola valley; it is 80km long gradual hike from 900m to 5100m, so it is a very nice way to relax and acclimatize to start the climb on the strong foot. Suketar is located at 2400m, so first day is a long downhill of 1500m, which has to be climbed on the return way.

Climbing Routes:
The normal route via North Col and North face is definitely the safest but it is technical climbing. It will definitely not be suitable for an inexperienced climber but it is a delight for technical climber. The scenery is phenomenal all the way from the Base Camp overlooking the Kanchenjunga glacier, Kanchenjunga I and Kang Bachen.

The climb is challenging but very interesting. The most difficult section is to the North Col of about 500m of mixed ice and rock climb, where our climbing Sherpas will establish fixed rope route from just above 6500m to 7000m on the Col, a bee-line to take gear up safely. Once on the North Col the climb is along the ridge and the North face. The climb becomes less technical but very exposed to the weather.

From the Col the climb is typically done with 3 camps or bivvies moving up slowly to the summit.

Kanchenjunga Expedition Spring 2016 Itinerary

Mar30/Day 01:Arrival in Kathmandu Airport and transfer to Hotel(1350m)
Mar31/Day 02-03:Rest and prepare day for assignment & briefing.
Apr02/Day 04:Fly from Kathmandu to Biritnagar( Suketar) (2300m) or Drive from Kathmandu to Biratnagar by tourist vehicles which takes about nine hours and then transfer to hotel.
Apr03/Day 05:Trek from Suketar to Phurumbu (921m), which takes about four hours overnight in the camp.
Apr04/Day 06:Trek from Phurumbu to Chirwa(1270m) via Timor river which takes about five hours overnight in the camp
Apr05/Day 07:Trek from Chirwa to Sekarthum(1660m) via Ghusna River which takes about six hours, overnight in the camp
Apr06/Day 08:Trek from Sekarthum to Amji-Lhasa(2510m), which takes about five hours and over night in camp.
Apr07/Day 09:Trek from Amje Lhasa to Gyabla(3450m),which takes about six hours overnight in the camp
Apr08/Day 10:Trek from Gyabla to Ghunsa(3595m),Which takes about Five hours overnight in the camp
Apr09/Day 11:Trek from Ghunsa to KhamBachen(4095m),which takes about five hours and overnight in camp.
Apr10/Day 12:Rest day in Khambachen for acclimatization , overnight in the camp
Apr11/Day 13:Trek from Khambachen to Lonak(4785m) which takes about five hours and over night in the camp
Apr12/Day 14:Trek from Lonak to Pangpema(5100m) , which takes about five hours overnight in the camp
Apr13/Day 15:Pangpema (5100m)Base camp Established and necessary Preparation,
Apr14/Day 16-45:Climbing Period.(summit period for Kanchenjunga 8586m)
May13/Day 46:Preparation to returning (Cleaning up Base Camp)
May14/Day 47:Trek from Kanchenjunga Base Camp to Lonak(4785m), which takes about five hours over night in Camp.
May15/Day 48:Trek from Lonak to Khambachen(4095m), which takes about five hours over night in camp.
May16/Day 49:Trek from Khambachen to Ghunsa,(3595m) which takes about four hours, and over night in camp.
May17/Day 50:Trek from Ghunsa to Sekarthum(1660m) which takes about six hours over night in camp.
May18/Day 52:Trek from Sekarthem to Chirwa(1270m) that takes about five and half hours over night in camp.
May19/Day 53:Trek from Chirwa to suketar(2310m) which takes about six hours and then over night in lodge.
May20/Day 54:Fly from Biratnagar to Kathmandu and transfer to hotel (1350m).
May21/Day 55:Full day sightseeing and shopping in Kathmandu, farewell dinner party in the evening and overnight in the hotel
May22/Day 56:Final Departure or alternatively join other program.

Mt.Pethangtse Expedition(6738M.) -[NEW]

Mt. Pethangtse Expedition (6738m.) -[NEW]

On the border of Nepal and Tibet, half way between the summits of Mount Everest and Makalu, a climb to the Pethangtse summit is a uniquely powerful Himalayan mountaineering experience. The proximity to the world's highest mountains is unequalled anywhere, with three of the five highest and Tibet as your immediate neighbours.  The Kangshung Face of Everest, the north faces of Lhotse, Lhotse Shar, Peak 38 and Shartse are beside you.

 An expedition to Pethangtse takes you into a remote and seldom visited region of the Himalaya. The distances and remoteness discourage all but the most stalwart but the climb itself is within reach of moderately experienced mountaineers. You will need safe glacier travel techniques and the ability to use ascenders/descenders on fixed ropes. Snow and ice slopes average 40-55%.

The route offers many outstanding options. The standard approach is through Makalu Basecamp. Teams could trek out this way if desired. But it is also possible to combine a Pethangtse expedition with a climb of Mera, a climb of Baruntse, or a crossing of the Three Ice Cols (East Col, West Col, Amphulapcha). All of these are within reach from the remote Upper Hongku Valley, separated from Pethangtse and the Barun Glacier by the East and West Cols.  These options add tremendous trekking variety and cultural richness to the expedition. The distances and elevation gains on approach provide excellent opportunities to become acclimatized to the altitude.

Trip Itinerary:

Day 01 Arrival Kathmandu (1360m) & Transfer to Hotel
Day 02 Kathmandu ; climbing preparations and city tour
Day 03 Kathmandu ; obtain permit and preparation 
Day 04 Fly to Tumlingtar and drive to Chichila (1800m)
Day 05 Trek to Num (1500m)
Day 06 Trek to Seduwa (1493m)
Day 07 Trek to Tashi Gaon (2200m)
Day 08 Trek to Kauma Kharka (3470m)
Day 09 Rest & acclimatization at Kauma Kharka
Day 10 Trek to Mumbuk (3570m)
Day 11 Trek to Yakle Kharka (3670m)
Day 12 Trek to Sherson (4600m)
Day 13 Rest day at Sherson 
Day 14 Trek to Makalu Base Camp (4800m)
Day 15 Rest day at Makalu Base Camp
Day 16 Trek to Pethangtse Base Camp (5300m)
Day 17-18 Acclimatize & Preparation at Pethangtse Base Camp
Day 19 Trek to Pethangtse interim Camp (5600m)
Day 20 Pethangtse High Camp (5900m)
Day 21 Pethangtse Summit (6738m) and back to BC
Day 22-23 Buffer day 
Day 24 Trek to Baruntse East BC (5250m) (Above Hillary Base Camp/below East Col)
Day 25 Trek to Baruntse BC (5500m) (after crossing East col) 
Day 26 Trek to Baruntse West Base Camp (5550)
Day 27 Rest day at Baruntse West Base Camp
Day 28 Trek to Panch Pokhari (5445m)
Day 29 Cross Amphu Laptsa and camp at Amphu Laptsa Tsho (4985)
Day 30 Trek to Chukhung ( 4734m)
Day 31 Trek to Thyangboche (3985m)
Day 32 Trek to Monjo (2835m)
Day 33 Trek to Lukla (2827m)
Day 34 Fly back to Kathmandu
Day 35 Kathmandu
Day 36 Fly back to Home